Chapter Seventy-one: Zane whatever-your-middle-name-is Rivers

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Song: Grenade by Bruno Mars

Chapter Seventy-one: Zane whatever-your-middle-name-is Rivers

>>>>Zane's POV<<<<

My phone started ringing. I ignored it. It cut and then the person started calling back.

Rule number 1. I can't answer calls when I'm exercising. It's distracting.

Well, except when it's my Cherry. I turned off the treadmill and grabbed my towel from the handle. I wiped my sweat off as I came off it and headed for my duffel bag.

One of these days, I'd drag her lazy ass to this gym room and make her exercise. Not because she needed it, but because I needed to spend more time with her. Goddammit. How could I have been so lucky?

I went to my room and had a quick shower to wash off all the sweat. Cherry was probably calling to tell me she wouldn't be able to make it, so I got ready to go to her house instead. As I entered the car and settled down, I finally picked up my phone. I looked at all the missed calls.

Remember how I said that I'm not going to pick calls when I'm exercising, except if it's my Cherry. Well, if it's her scary younger sister, I might reconsider.

I picked the call.

"Well it's about time Bruny." 


"Don't you what me? Why isn't Char picking my calls?"

"I don't know. Ask her."

"Well, if she'd pick my calls, I would be able to!"

Why was she yelling at me? What did I do now? It's too early for her to say I've caused any trouble.

I rolled my eyes. "Are you that lazy that you can't walk to her room to call her? I mean, she's directly opposite you, isn't she?"


"She promised she'd come over this morning before she went to your old house and she isn't here and now you're calling me to ask of her. Is this is a prank? Did she put you up to this?"

I heard some rustling in the background, then I heard her mother screaming at me. "Zane Rivers! If you do not put my daughter on the phone this instant, I'm grounding you and her for life. She knows we have guests coming over, and we have to stop by the old house before they get here, and she still slept over at your house. If you want me to ground the both of you, I promise you I'll do it!"

"Sorry, but what are you even talking about?"

Rev was back on. "I'm trying to calm Mum down, but she's pressured because the guests that were meant to come over last night had their flight delayed, so they'll all be here this morning. Charvi needs to come home now."

"Cherry is not here!"

"What do you mean she's not there? Has she left already? I don't think there's traffic, is there?"

My brows creased. "She wasn't at my house."

"But she left with you last night."

"No she didn't. She went to pick up- Oh shit, shit, shit. I'm on my way right now!"

I cut the call and started the car. Cherry did not go home last night. Where could she be? Did she go with her cousin? Maybe she slept at his house. But she would have called, wouldn't she? 

With all the thoughts running through my head, I had a bad feeling about this.


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