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Elmer was only five years old when he met his childhood best friend.

As soon as she saw the moving truck pull up, she sprinted down the stairs and out the door. When she opened the door, a car pulled up and out came a boy who looked her age. He was pretty short, maybe her height. He had black hair and big dark brown eyes. Without thinking twice, she ran to their yard and to the boy.

"hi, I'm Matilda Andi Ferrari! Are you my new neighbor?" She asked.

"my name's Elmer Dallas Kasprzak! And I live right there." The boy pointed to the house right beside Matilda's.

"cool! I live at that house beside your's" She exclaimed pointing at her house.

"we can can be playmates!! Hey, wanna help me pick my room?" Elmer asked.

"I have the perfect idea." With that, they ran into Elmer's new home. Maltida led him up the stairs and right into a small bedroom with white wallpaper with blue vertical stripes. She walked to the only window in his room, opened it, and removed the screen.

"come here!" She motioned for him to come closer.

"see that room? With the purple walls? That's mine. Our windows are so close together that we could stay up late and color together. And the beauty part is, our parents won't know!!" She smiled, jumping at the last part. Even though there was a tree between their houses, they could still talk to each other from their windows.

"we're gonna be great friends." Matilda said.

"best friends." They then spit into their hands and shook on it.

    Later that night, while her family was sleeping, Matilda opened her window and threw a rock at Elmer's. Seconds later, the window opened to reveal a sleepy Elmer.

"how old are you, Elmer Dallas?" She put her arms on the windowsill and rested her chin on them.

"I'm five." The boy answered proudly, holding up five fingers.

"you know, you can just call me Elmer. How old are you, Matilda Andi?" He asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

"I'm five too. And just call me Andi." She replied. Elmer couldn't understand why she told him that he could call her Andi, when her first name's Matilda.

"but your first name's Matilda." He stated.

"I know. But Matilda's so geeky, I like Andi better."

"I think Matilda's pretty." The boy reassured, which made Andi smile.

"thanks." They sat there in silence for a few seconds before one of them said something.

"wanna play at the park tomorrow?" Andi asked.

"you read my mind." He smiled.
Since then, they have been inseparable, in school and out of school. Every night when everyone was asleep, they would open their windows and talk until they fell asleep on the windowsill. Elmer knew that they were going to be best friends for forever, or so he thought. In grade 10, Andi started going out with her first boyfriend, Morris Delancey. Since then, she has stopped hanging out with her old friend group, who consists of Elmer, Jack and well, you know who. Anyways, they have lost touch since she became more popular. Andi hasn't been opening her window that much anymore and Elmer can admit, he missed her. Sure it's only been less than a year, but he did spend his entire childhood with her. And there may be a chance that he has a small crush on her. What can he say? Puberty did her good! And he knew damn well that he knew Andi way better than Morris did. After four months straight of Andi not opening her window, Elmer heard something he thought he'd never hear again: a knock on the only window in his room. He jumped off of his bed and opened the window and low and behold, Andi Ferrari not even two feet away from his face.

"hey Elm, miss me?" She whispered, smiling.
aight boys!! Modern au time woohoo!

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