Chapter 1

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A/N - Hi if you have any story progression suggestions I'm completely open to them. Thank you for reading !

It is 3am in the morning, the room was dark and the curtains billowed gently from the light breeze from the slightly ajar window. Moonlight bathed the stark white sheets of a hospital bed where a young girl resided in. However through this silent night, besides the intermittent beeps of hospital equipment, the sounds of boyish laughter and music resound from a laptop screen. Day by day, the same voices echo through the quiet room, a girl in pajamas curled up hugging her knees to her body her eyes fixated on the screen glimmering with hope, love and wonder, her pale pink glasses sitting daintily on her button nose reflecting the moving images.

This is how Park Hana had spent most of her days lately. In her hospital bedroom, that was basically her home since young. Surrounded by shelves of large amounts of collections from books, games, stuff toys, nicknacks and a cupboard for all her clothes adorning a tiny fish tank on top. She had become a permanent resident to the hospital since she was of the age of 6. She however was 25 now and she had never stepped into the outside world due to her chronic condition. She would never feel like a girl her age should.

Everyday of her life, she lived vicariously through the screens of her bedroom, her television since a child that had been upgraded as the time went on to LCD screens to smart TVs in the modern day. Her laptop for her bed, and her desktop in the other corner of her room for games. She had everything she could ever ask for. Her parents were wealthy and she was their only daughter, they did anything for her from purchasing the latest consoles and game releases to limited edition collectors items of her favorite characters or shows. They would do absolutely everything for their daughter. Everything they could do to keep her happy but she was always alone. She was always left alone. Her parents were too busy working hard to keep up with all the hospital bills and gifts so she never asked for anything.

But sadly all she ever yearned was a life outside the doors. To live and walk around freely, to experience the different seasons of each year outside the transparent barrier that stood between here and the outside world. And of course, to make friends and learn to know what it feels like to fall in love. It wasn't because her health didn't permit for her to leave the safety of her room but she herself could not bring herself to leave. Fear and anxiety built up within her as she had not had regular human contact besides the lovely nurses and doctors that took care of her since young, and her parents who doted on her. She was aware that the world was not going to be as kind to her as she was treated here. Especially if there was an emergency, no one would know how to help her out there.

Park Hana was a smart girl. Although home schooled, she made sure to keep up with everything since knowledge was her only entertainment. She needed to know the world she missed out on, she wanted to know what life could have been like if it were different. If it were normal. But she knew she couldn't have it.

That's until she found seven boys . Seven boys who worked hard and lived and laughed. Boys who made the world seem like a better place than it actually is, a world where you could feel like you belonged and they taught you how to love yourself. She could finally feel like she could love herself no matter what she went through. They gave her strength and wonder through their music, they made her laugh and smile through the toughest of times, just through a tiny screen on her bed. She lived through them, she wanted to be like them. BTS had helped her get through the toughest of times for her and they made her feel as if she was a part of them just through a screen. Surrounded by love and support, she wanted friends. She was not jealous though. Not in the slightest, she yearned to be loved but she was always understanding and she knew the reality of it all. Never in her heart she would think badly of anyone as life was too precious to feel such pain.


A small sound chimes from her laptop. An email arrived and she never got emails this late in the night. She thought nothing as it was probably some spam but was curious anyway. Clicking on her email tab she saw the recipient from "Wish Upon a star foundation " and the subject being "If you had one wish what would it be". She knew what Wish upon a Star foundation did and besides the growing drop in her stomach that came with this neither blessing or dreaded email, she knew what it was. Hesitantly she clicked open the email to read,

Dearest Park Hana,

We are the Wish upon a Star foundation and we have chosen you as a candidate to grant any possible wish to come true for you.

Hana froze at this. She knew only those who didn't have much longer to live were granted the exception to have Wish upon a Star to contact you. Her hands trembled and tears were slowly starting to form in her eyes and her heart meter starts beeping erratically, earning the nurses and doctor to come bursting into her bedroom to assess the situation. Hana was trembling and shot her eyes burning with tears towards the door as it opened. Voice trembling, signs of breaking down.

"How much longer do I have"

The weighted question neither her doctors or nurses or parents were ever prepared to tell her but it was their duty to respond. With a heavy heart and as her favorite nurses bursted out crying from hearing this,

"You only have one year Hana.."

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