Chapter 19

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"Jimin?" Hana whispered, fully awake early in the morning. She looked at him as the sun shone through her curtains. His soft skin looked perfect and he looked so comfortable bundled up in the blanket holding her hand gently, still fast asleep.

"Jimin~" she tried again sliding her hand away from his grip until he grabbed it back again by force and accidentally pulling her closer to him, a small squeak escaping her. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. "Jimin are you awake?" She flushed at his actions before moving away slowly again to check his expression.

A soft groan escape his lips of a tired boy who didn't want to wake up. She sighed a little in defeat and ended up running her hand through his soft golden locks. She wondered how their skin was always so soft and clear, and their hair looked so healthy and silky even through those multiple hair dyes. She hadn't dyed her hair before as she checked her usual dark locks but she did want to try it one day.

Closing her eyes, she felt an arm wrap protectively around her waist, the boy nuzzling further into her neck until she felt his soft lips against it. No, she couldn't go back to sleep like this, her heart was hammering and she felt like she was going to combust. She was thankful that she wasn't hooked to the heart monitor that night since she had recovered but she needed to escape from this situation somehow.

"J-Jimin! You need to wake up now" she tried to wiggle out of his grasp but he only held onto tighter. She yelped a little and looked down at him frantically. He was not letting up, until she realized.

"Hey, I feel you smiling." She was stern but her lips were upturned. Slowly she could feel him shake a little from his small giggles. Before pulling away a little to look up at her.

"Morning Hana" he cheekily close eyed smiled up at her.

"How long have you been awake for?" She pouted as he pulled away.

"Hmm..." he pondered "since you called me the first time?" He cheekily smiled at her again before chuckling as she started play hitting him.

"Jimin!" They both laughed and collapsed on their beds.

"Did you have a good sleep?" He sweetly brushed her hair behind her ear making her ears flush at his touch.

"Yes I did actually, in fact I don't remember when I managed to sleep"

"Well, either my voice is really boring or I'm just too good because you didn't even make it through half the first song!" He poked her arm teasingly.

"I'm sorry Jimin! I swear your voice was just so soothing to listen too." She reminisced what she had remembered from his singing from last night as her heart fluttered from memory, a calming sensation washing over her. Turning to the boy after a moment of silence she found him just smiling up at her.

"I could get used to waking up like this every morning" he winked at her before she flushed up like a tomato again. She knew Jimin loved to just tease her so she playfully starting hitting him again as he cheekily giggled knowing what kind of affect he had on her.

"Jimin, don't you have a music shoot today?" She pouted at him.

"Trying to get rid of me so easily?" He leaned in very close to her, her faces only inches apart. Hana tried her very best to be stern and stay composed but with her blank expression came along a wave of heat as she slowly turned a shade of crimson. Jimin burst out laughing and instinctively hugged her tightly.

"You're just too cute! Aaagghh" he swung her from side to side as he hugged her.

"Jimin you're hurting me" she meekly said muffled by his chest. With those words he retracted immediately replaced with a look of concern.

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