Chapter 2

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"Is there nothing we can do ?"Hana asks as her doctor just shakes his bowed head slightly.

"I'm sorry Hana, your organs will not be able to function after a while and we do not want it to get to that stage as you will go through immense pain and suffering so we will have to.." he couldn't complete his sentence as the nurses start choking in sobs. Hana's mind is just blank trying to absorb everything he was saying. It was not hard to comprehend as numerous times in her life has she already had those things happen.

"How is this time different than the others?" She asks tears still streaming down her eyes for the nurses she loved were crying so hysterically. She was feeling confused.

" Your body is showing signs of deterioration. Your immune system is not as strong as it was and it's deteriorating at a rapid rate that we will not be able to keep up with.. meaning there will come a time where our methods of saving you may even kill you." The doctor was staying as strong as he could saying this and all Hana could do was feel immense sympathy to her young doctor who probably could not handle the mental burden that his job entailed yet.

Surprisingly Hana took it well. She nodded understandingly with tears not falling anymore, swallowing a huge lump in her throat she held for a while as she scans the room with blank eyes and just nods.

"I understand. Thank you for telling me, you may leave now." She solemnly says understanding as to why no one had told her. In her heart the message had not sunk fully yet and she knew that but at the same time she couldn't help but feel relieved. She didn't know how long her parents could keep up with this for her. Eventually they would be gone too and she didn't feel like she had a future. She was used to the pain that took over her life.

This was it.

She stayed still as the nurses still took her vitals and gave her her medication. Added stress never does well for her health and the doctors and nurses had pained faces for finally giving her the knowledge of her inevitable end. Hana then glanced at her laptop knowing what she wanted to do for her wish.

Her first and final wish she would make before her life came to an abrupt end.

"Please call my parents in tomorrow. I would like to discuss something with them." She tells one of her nurses and smiles up at her sweetly, silently telling her that she was alright. Sena, her nurse and one of her best friends just nods, tears still streaming down her face and exits the room to give the bedridden girl some time.


The exhaustion finally takes Hana as she passes out from the drowsiness of her medication.

A soft knock comes from her door stirring her awake.

"Hana, your parents will be here soon. Would you like me to help you get ready ?" Sena peaks from the door as Hana softly nods to her, having trouble getting up from the bed. Sena then proceeds to help Hana in anyway she could. Sena was an amazing friend to Hana even if she was her nurse. She would pick Hana the best outfits to wear for the day and she was the only girl Hana trusted to choose her clothes.

Hana is not always bedridden all the time. There were times where her health would be close to normal but she would always have to be cautious as things could happen at any time. Today she felt pretty tired but other than that, good. After taking a nice hot shower and putting on the outfit Sena had chosen for her, she decided to put on a little make up to make herself feel pretty and to give her hair a few billowy soft curls. She knew she had no one else to see besides her parents but making herself look good made herself feel good in the most simplest of therapy's.

Once her parents had arrived, the hospital allowed them to take Hana to a nearby restaurant just next to the hospital. It was cozy and the only place she was comfortable at out of the hospital. Judging by her parents expressions, she knew that the doctor had already told them the news of her discovery from last night. She just smiled sadly at them and held their hands tightly from across the table, her mother was a mess and her father had a pained expression on his face. But she didn't want to address the elephant in the room verbally and just squeezed their hands tight for assurance that she was doing okay.

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