Chapter 13

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She tossed and turned all night, something was not right she thought. There was a creeping burning sensation coming from her lower abdomen, thinking it could be her cramps but she was frustrated since it wasn't even close to her time of the month. Sighing in defeat after hours of not being able to sleep, she flipped her phone open to check the time. 3:29 am

Dropping the phone back down and not knowing what to do since she couldn't sleep, she turned on her bedroom light. Wincing are the pain that was now shooting sharply on her right side. Lifting her shirt up she gasped at the large bruise that was happening around her nearly healed surgery wound.

This was definitely not right.

She quickly buzzed her nurse and Sena bolted into her room.

"Hana what's wrong?" Concern filled her eyes, it was the dead of night she should be asleep.

Hana didn't realize how heavy her breathing was and how lightheaded she was getting.

"Sena I think, I think I'm bleeding." She pulled her shirt up to show her nurse for her to gasp in surprise and quickly rush out to call the doctor. Hana knew what the splotchy colours on her body were. She was far too familiar with them but she had thought the surgery went fine. And it felt fine until just now.

Internal bleeding was a serious issue and needed to be worked on ASAP. Her brother burst into her room immediately and started prepping her to be on plasma and blood drip to her arm. Her nurse started helping her out with lifting her legs. She knew she should be panicking more than she was but this wasn't her first rodeo and it for sure wouldn't be her last.

"Hana, Im going to medicate you so you won't feel the pain so much. Please get some rest today." Jaehyun placed a hand on her forehead to push her hair back away from her face as she laid down.

"But I was supposed to play games with Tae today.." she whined sleepily

Jaehyun smiled sadly at her, " you can always play with him another time okay? Let him know before you sleep"

"Okay.." she sighed in defeat, the pain slowly going away and her eyes were already feeling heavy, the medication works fast. "Sena could you pass me my phone please?" Sena quickly took it from her swivel table and handed it to the girl.

"Try and get some rest Hana, you're now hooked back onto your monitor so if anything urgent pops up it will alert us immediately again okay?" Sena squeezed her hand tightly. "I'll just be outside." She assured the young girl before leaving the room.

"Please take care sis, I know you're having the time of your life being around those boys but please be careful." Jaehyun kisses her sisters forehead goodnight before leaving too.

Hana groaned in pain over the fact that why couldn't she live a normal life, there always had to be a complication somewhere along the line. She flipped her phone open and directly messaged Tae.

Hana: Hey Tae, I'm sorry. Some complications happened tonight and I'll need to rest all day tomorrow. Im sad we can't play games, I was really looking forward to it. I hope you're not too disappointed, because I'm really disappointed for the both of us. Hahaha..

She typed before thinking,

Hana: do you think you could still drop by? I'll be in and out of sleep but it would be really nice to see you. You don't have to though.

She was going to press send but ended up deleting the message. She didn't want to sound needy.

Hana: I hope you have a wonderful day off tomorrow, I promise we'll spend time together soon. Fighting !!!

She ended up sending and sighing in defeat, draping her non needled arm over her head covering her eyes. The medication was kicking in and sleep was taking over.

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