Chapter 7

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A/N: I only realized that if a story has been added to someone's private reading list, it doesn't alert the writer ; ; I do hope more people read this fic ! I'm so sorry I'm a newbie at writing fiction.

Letting out a big breath, Hana leant back on her wheelchair in utter bliss. She had devoured every single dish Jin had prepared and she was stuffed. The boys too were very full and satisfied as we all thanked the eldest for such a delicious meal.

"Oppa, I'll take up your offer. Your cooking is just too delicious" Hana beamed at him causing the eldest to get up and jump around happily while everyone starts laughing at him. With a big smile on her face she checked the time on the large clock up on the wall, it was close to 9pm. Her face fell at this, she didn't want her day to be over. Visiting hours should be up soon and she didn't want any of them to leave. Not to mention she probably needed a checkup by her doctor soon to see the progression of her recovery. She was at least extremely glad that today went really well.

"Thank you again, for such an amazing day everyone. I hope in future we can spend more time together." She flickered her eyes from her empty plate back up to meeting the boys eyes and vise versa as she spoke. It was hard for her to keep eye contact especially when she was nervous.

"It was our pleasure Hana, and of course we look forward to seeing you again soon" Namjoon spoke up kindly, she wished she could reach out to touch his dimples on his cheeks but she caught herself before she did something inappropriate.

"Unfortunately the most of us are busy tomorrow except.." Jin enquired scanning the room to see Yoongi put his hand up.

"I'll come visit you tomorrow Hana" Yoongi sat forward in his seat to speak to Hana. She could listen to his deep voice all day if she could.

"A-are you sure? Aren't you always very busy with composing new songs and practicing?"

"We've just completed a world tour so we're at our least busiest currently." Hobi says " so lucky for us! We can visit pretty Hana more!" He beamed like sunshine. She squealed internally, her stomach doing flips and heart beating erratically. Be still her fan girl heart, she couldn't get over how everything felt right now.

"I'd really like that." She said confidently," you can all come anytime, I have lots of games and movies. We can even have a walk around the grounds and there's even a music room !" She gushed, all the ideas and plans she wanted to do with them. Tae got up and kneeled by her side, looking up at her with his signature boxy smile.

"Then I can bring Yeontan here for a walk together too" he spoke up at her causing her to gasp.

"Wait I get to meet Tannie too?" She couldn't contain her squeal of excitement, scrunching her eyes tight and shimmying in her seat. The boys couldn't get enough of her reactions, she was just like a character in a cartoon. She was so expressive and animated, it made them smile and laugh and react to strongly to her. Tae got up and wrapped his arms around her neck from behind squeezing her tight.

"Hyung I don't want to leave her!" Tae whines as they all got up to get ready to leave.

"Why is only Yoongi hyung free tomorrow, I want to play more games with Hana" Kookie whines next

"Are you sure that's all you want to do Kook?" Jimin nudges his maknae and wiggles his eyebrows at him.

"Y-Yah! What do you mean?!" Jungkook blushes wildly and starts trying to wrestle Jimin while he cheekily tries to escape Kookie's wrath.

"Do I have to remind you two that this is a hospital ?!" Namjoon tries to break up the scuffle yet again. It felt like de ja vu, she thought this must happen a lot, but it did bring a smile to her face. She wasn't seeing this through a tiny screen in her bedroom anymore, they were actually here with her and she couldn't believe every second.

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