Chapter 26

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A/N: Firstly hello to my new readers! Thank you for the votes and for reading this story! Please don't forget to check out my other book: Crimson Vengeance ! There's more chapters to come since I had written a bunch for it but I keep them hidden and post one everyday, it's faster paced than this one. Anyway! Carry on

EDIT: ignore the fact I forgot Jimin already stayed over but it was his first sleep over party I guess 😖 eeee don't hate me

Hana messaged Jungkook nearly all night and now she felt like a zombie this morning. How could that boy do that to her but she didn't want to leave, it was so fun to finally have a friend to text with. They spoke about all sorts of things and even linked each other funny memes and videos I guess they got a little carried away. After her morning checkup she got ready, they were going to watch a movie today so preferably something comfortable. Taking out her comfy pants and her favorite purple Tshirt, she showered and changed only to come back to her room with two boys bearing even more gifts.

"Surprise!" They handed her a wrapped up box and a bag. She took them with care and put them on her bed.

"You guys really need to stop showering me with gifts." She smiled and went to hug the two of them. Taehyung was the first and he felt warm and comfy like a teddy bear, he always smelt like apple cinnamon. Jungkook pulled her into a hug after and he was always so delicate with her, afraid he'd hurt her if he hugged too hard so she retaliated and hugged him really tightly surprising him before she released herself chuckling.

"I'm not glass Jungkook, you can do better than that." She smiled up teasing him.

"I'm just tired today thanks to someone." He teased back.

Taehyung was confused with the whole conversation and eyed them weirdly before shaking his head. "Aren't you going to open the presents?" Taehyung asked as you pulled away from Kookie.

"Sure, but promise. No more presents after this." Hana crosses her arms and huffed. "Thank you by the way, as always." She beamed at the two of them. They both smiled back at her soft features.

Ripping the first box apart, she found the remainder of the BTS pop vinyl dolls she was missing. "How'd you know I was missing these two?" She looked up surprised to see a Jungkook and V pop vinyl in the box, it was fitting.

"Well the last time I spent the day here I had a look around your room and noticed you were missing the two of us in your set over on your shelf." Taehyung grinned and helped her display them on the shelf. "See! A complete set now!" He beamed, showcasing the display of all the members lined up.

"You have no idea how difficult it is to find you two." Hana chuckled.

"Oh we know." Jungkook and Taehyung smirked at each other.

"Alright so what's in this other one?" It's just a brown paper bag but it had many things inside, she put her hand in and tried taking out said items. It was custom purple controllers for different types of game consoles. She gasped in awe at how pretty they are.

"Wow! But I already have my own." She confusedly looked at them before they chuckled, Grabbing one of the remotes each.

"This way you'll always have an extra controller for us." Jungkook winked.

"Mario kart?" Taehyung voiced looking at the two excitedly before they all squealed in excitement like little kids, as they all crammed on the beds, both Hana's and the extra.

They played competitively all day, Hana mostly leading but Taehyung and Jungkook were really good too, in fact it was a pretty even match. They even pulled out her retro Nintendo 64 and played a few games of Mario party. They surrounded themselves by all sorts of snacks the two boys brought. Hana was so excited to try all the different treats she had never seen all her life.

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