Chapter 64

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Music blared loudly through the speakers as Hobi danced his heart and soul out.

Every day like clockwork, he would leave the apartment early in the morning to make his way to the dance studio in big hit. Many of the staff there were at first confused of his presence in the building since they were off work for a while but the minute they would hear the loud music even through the near sound proof doors of the practice room, no one dared to enter.

From someone who radiated like sunshine, he became cold and unapproachable.

Day by day, he danced. He danced til he couldn't even move his limbs anymore. He knew he was pushing himself way past his limit but he continued. Anything to make himself numb from the pain he felt in his heart.


He went on and on.

Not good enough!

He kept pushing himself harder everyday until today happened.

Namjoon warned him.

He screamed in pain as he collapsed on the hard wooden floor. No one could hear him from the loud music blaring through the speakers.

He had reached his limit, he curled up and cried gripping onto his heel. His sobs being drowned out,

"Why did you have to leave us."

"Eomma!" Jimin called, running to his mothers arms.

"Son what are you doing here?" She held his face in her hands, her face full of surprise. "I saw the news, did something happen?" She worriedly expresses to her son.

Jimin just smiled sadly before hugging her tightly again for the second time. "Eomma, can I stay here for a while." He murmured into her shoulder.

"Jimin dear, of course you can." She rubs the back of his head gently. "Come, let's bring you in before you catch a cold. It's getting very cold lately." She guided him in and closed the door behind them.

"Where's appa and Jihyun hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Your father will be home soon and Jihyun moved out a few months ago." She responded.

"Hyung moved out?" Jimins eyes went wide. "Then who's going to take care of you and appa?"

His mum chuckled, "Jimin-ya, your father and I are doing well because of both you and your brother. The two of you take care of us so well." She smiled up at him and caressed his cheek. "Also your brother lives just next door." She nonchalantly says making her way into the kitchen.

Jimin couldn't help but laugh out loud. Of course his brother was just next door, he cared for their parents too much to leave them on their own.

"I'll made dinner alright? Settle yourself in, and why don't you go over next door to call Jihyun for a family dinner." She called from the kitchen.

"Okay!" He called back and made his way to his room down the corridor. This wasn't his childhood home but it was still a rather cozy house. Once BTS got big, Jimin bought a house for his parents in a more convenient location. Although his room didn't feel as familiar anymore, and the fact that he didn't live with them, his parents still insisted on his own room just incase he ever wanted to visit.

"I'll be just next door!" He called out to his mum before leaving.

The neighborhood was nice, it was quiet and private. He could walk outside and the neighbors wouldn't even bat at eye at him and it was refreshing.

His brothers house was similar to his parents but he guessed he needed his own place. Ringing the doorbell, he waited.


"Hey Hyung." Jimin smiled widely to see his brother.

"Hey what are you doing here?" He hugged Jimin.

"I'm staying for a while." Jimin smiled but it never reached his eyes. Jihyun was concerned but didn't press. "Eomma asked to invite you over for dinner, it's been a while since we had one."

"Yeah sounds good. Come in, you haven't seen my house yet have you?" Jihyun let his brother in and closed the door.

"Wow your place is nice hyung, why the sudden change?" Jimin asked, looking around.

"I just needed my own space. But being with Eomma and appa are priority of course." Jihyun rubbed the back of his neck.

"Let me guess," Jimin turned around with a cheeky grin. "Someone has a girlfriend now."

Jihyun's face heated up.


"N-no! I don't know what you're talking about!" Jihyun spoke defensively laughing nervously. He was extremely obvious and his reactions reminded Jimin of someone else, his face suddenly fell.

"What about you, I know the company is strict but I'm sure you're still allowed to date someone—"

"—drop it hyung." Jimin sternly said.

His brother paused.

"Hey Chim, did something happen—"

"I said drop it hyung." Jimin harshly said, his head hung low, bangs covering his eyes. He heaved out a breath before looking up at his brother, smiling sadly, unshed tears in his eyes. "Let's go back and help Eomma make dinner."

He pushed past his dumbfounded brother towards the door but Jihyun caught his wrist.

"Chim, what happened." He sternly said. Jimin froze in his spot.

"Hyung please, I can't talk about this right now." Jimin pleaded, his voice shaking.

Jihyun sighed and let go of his brothers wrist, following him back out to their parents home.

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