Chapter 49

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"Hey hyung." Hobi walks in and tosses the large plush into Yoongi's face.

"Yah!" He shouts but catches it anyway.
"Kumamon?" He looks up at Hobi, happy but confused.

"Hana won that for you." He chuckled with a small smile.

"Oh you guys went to the Summer faire?" Yoongi asked, playing with Kumamons arms and legs while he adjusted the bear on his lap.

"Yeah, I'll see you at dinner hyung. I gotta pass these to Kook." They both nodded and Hobi closed the door behind him.

Yoongi just stared at the bears face, pinching its red cheeks. A small smile made it to his face while he took out his phone.

Yoongi: Thank you for Kumamon.

He attached a selfie of himself holding Kumamon.

Not long after, she replied, his smile going wider.

Hana: Yoongi! I thought of you the minute I saw it! I'm so glad you liked it.

Yoongi: did you have a good time tonight?

Hana: I did! It was my first time, now when I look at the Ferris wheel from my window I don't get sad anymore.

Yoongi smiled gently while he tapped away on his phone.

Yoongi: I'm glad Hana, by the way tomorrow's a nice day. The boys and I were thinking of picking some strawberries before the season is over. Would you be up for it?

Hana: Strawberry picking! Yes yes yes! Let me ask my doctor, I'll get back to you soon Yoongi Oppa!

Yoongi couldn't stop smiling as her placed his phone on his table, he hugged Kumamon tightly, it's been a while since he's seen her and he's missed her dearly.

"You sir will be the lucky one." He spoke to Kumamon, before placing him on his bed. He had other plush toys and Kumamon things that fans had given him, but none of them made it on his bed, his sacred ground. He kept the others in a nice spot on his shelves in his room but this was the first time he took one to cuddle in bed with.

"Jungkook!" Hobi knocked on his door a few times til he heard shuffling behind it. The door opened, revealing a disheveled boy, probably just woken up from a nap. His hair stuck in all directions and he only had one eye opened while he rubbed the other.

"What's up hobi hyung." He sleepily said.

Hobi just chuckled and shoved boxes into his arms.

"Say thank you to Hana, and she said to check your overwatch account." And with that Hobi shut the door and left Jungkook confused with a pile of boxes in his arms.

He carefully carried them and put them down on his bed until he realized and read the packaging.


His cheers and shouts could be heard from the living room.

"Is Kook alright?" Namjoon asked As hobi walked out from the hallway laughing.

"Yeah, Hana just won some things at the fair tonight and gave them to him."

"What did she win?" Taehyung asked as he was trying to make a snack in the kitchen before dinner.

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