Chapter 20

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"Hana, please you don't have to worry about me. I will be around, so go and enjoy yourself!" Sena had pushed the girl towards the doors where music was heard blasting from.

She was at big hit headquarters. They had entered through the back entrance where no unwanted eyes could see her enter. Some staff were confused of her presence but they were immediately told by other staff who knew of the girl. She was mildly uncomfortable but after news got around the building they treated her kindly, a little too kindly sometimes.

"Miss Hana! It's so nice to finally meet you" a mans voice sounded in front of her as he held his hand out for a handshake. The voice seemed familiar but she couldn't figure it out.

"Ah Hana, this is Manager Sejin!" Jimin introduced.

"Oh! I spoke to you in the phone, it's good to finally put a face to the name" she smiled respectfully at the man. "Thank you very much for all that you have done for me" she bowed politely.

"Oh Hana please no need to bow, it is our pleasure. Plus you're a sweet girl, Bang PDnim had given us full permission for you to visit anytime you want" he grinned at her.

Shock was written all over her face over the news. And Jimin couldn't stop smiling.

"Hana, I'm going ahead first! The guys are waiting for me to practice. Once you're done Sejin hyung will lead you to our practice room. See ya!" He started walking away and waving back at her. She managed a nod amongst the shock before she felt someone tap her shoulder.

"Hana dear, I have your wheelchair right her with me just incase your legs get tired of walking okay?" Sena motioned towards it before bowing down her greetings to Manager Sejin, to which he returned.

"Alright shall we get going?" He motioned further onwards.

With big breaths, and her legs feeling like jelly from her nervousness, she pushed the door open to reveal a medium sized dance studio. The boys were practicing a choreography she was familiar with. (A/N: you can imagine your favourite song)

As she stepped in carefully she met eyes with a few of them in the mirror.

"Oh! Hana?!" Jin was surprised and stopped dancing. The others too stopped dancing and cut the music. They were all stunned by her presence excluding Jimin.

"Surprise!" He opened his arms and came running towards her wrapping an arm around her shoulders once again. "The doctors and Sejin hyung allowed her to come! Also" he quickly unwrapped his arm from Hana's shoulder before grabbing her wrist and lifting her arm up with his excitedly. "PD nim said she can visit anytime!" He lets go and excitedly hugs her. Jimin was way too adorable, and his smile was too contagious, she couldn't help but constantly laugh and giggle around him. The positive energy he brings her made her feel invincible.

"But Hana, are you feeling okay?" Taehyung asks concerned, with a matching expression, Maknae next to him. She understood why they were worried, they had seen her at one of her worst moments. However she ended up smiling kindly at their concerns.

"Thank you for always worrying about me, but I truly am feeling pretty good today. I think I've fully recovered from the last problem and I'm feeling at my best!" Her smile reached her eyes and she was so happy right now. She was so glad she made the effort and had the confidence to push herself to come here, she could finally see a part of the real world rather than looking at it through a window.

Taehyung and Jungkook were so relieved and couldn't help but come in for a group hug.

"Hey I want to join too!" Hobi came in and one by one, she could feel all of them surround her, with her in the middle. She laughed out loud from the sudden feeling of affection. All their laughter echoed through the halls.

"Thank you Manager Sejin, I have never seen my dear Hana so happy in her life" Sena spectated the huddle from afar as she stood next to the man.

The mans eyes too never left the boys and the young girl either. "Well, believe it or not I've not seen the boys this happy in a while either." His eyes left them before turning to Sena. "However, there is something important, I will need to discuss with you.." he said seriously, eyes now on the nurse. She had probably knew what he was going to ask as she nodded her head.

The boys danced their hearts out with the young girl around. She was feeling so ecstatic, she'd never seen their concert live before but she felt this couldn't get better as they performed multiple songs to perfection.

Just when she thought their practice was over, they guided her to another seat that was placed in the middle of the room when the song 'Just one day' came on. This was one of her favorite songs from them, though it was old, she ranked it high up there.

"Oh my goodness" she covered her mouth and looked at all the boys around her, one by one they serenaded her before standing in front of her to sing the chorus together. She was blushing like crazy but most of all she couldn't believe what was happening, as an army something like this would make them faint or have a cardiac arrest from how cute they were being. Once the song ended, she softly clapped, eyes watery by how touched she was.

Taehyung immediately kneeled in front of her smiling looking at her expression while he held her hands tightly. "Did you like it?" She nodded back furiously to show how much she did, but she couldn't speak in fear of actually sobbing from happiness.

"It was Yoongi hyungs idea to sing you this song." Namjoon slung an arm around said person. She shot her head up at the usually stoic guy seeing a slight blush creep on his cheeks.

"Wait, Really?" Even she couldn't believe it causing small laughter to erupt from the boys. She hadn't expected him to do something so kind but she second guessed when she remembered who wrote the song in the first place. This was definitely something Yoongi would do. She smiled then at the grumpy shy man, "thank you Oppa"

"Ommo " Jin feigned gripped his heart as if someone shot him, Hobi and Jimin followed suit. Tae quickly got up and covered Yoongi's eyes with his hand. While covering his own eyes with the other before peeking at her. Jungkook went in front of Hana, shielding her. She swore she could see their cheeks flush.

"Wh-what are you guys doing?" She was completely confused until she heard Namjoon sigh, she peeked over around Jungkook at him.

"Don't worry Hana, anyway let's have dinner. You must be hungry" he cleared his throat changing the subject as they all made their way out the door, leaving the girl there confused. She was right, they were blushing.

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