Chapter 62

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Who is that?

"Hana, please hang in there."


Her eyes fluttered open, but the same flower filled fields came into her vision again except she was met with an expanse sky filled with stars above her.

She sat up, also noticing the once lush lone tree was losing its leaves, they were turning and morphing into red and brown right in front of her eyes. She felt the once warm breeze turn chillier as she rubbed her arms at the feeling; but meeting a soft fabric instead of her bare skin. She had a sweater on that wasn't there before.

"Hana we miss you"


"Hana, you're beautiful."

"Please let me see her!"

"I love you Hana."

All these voices rushed in her head as she gripped it tightly until it subsided. Her breath and heart rate once elevated, calmed when it was over; suddenly seeing rain drops on her dress, she looked up to see the clear skies confused until she touched her cheek. Tears.

Why did those voices make her so sad.

12:00am 22nd September
First day of Autumn

"Hana is back in her room now, it's late and she needs her rest. Please come back to visit her tomorrow." Sena told everyone.

All of them had a rough night, and they really did need some rest. Even if they really wanted to see her, they were quick to resign for the night. All of it was too overwhelming for them as their Manager lead them out. Though one remained,

"Please let me see her" Yoongi pleaded.

Sena's eyes softened for the boy.

"Dear, you need to get some rest too."

"I need to see her." He gritted his teeth, his eyes were red from all the crying but no more tears fell.

"Yoongi, I don't think it's a good idea—"

"—Please Sena."  He gripped her arms before falling forward onto his knees, his hands sliding down along with him.
"I need to see her, I need to know she's still here. That this isn't just fucked up nightmare I'm having." He continued to plead.

"Yoongi!" Sena sternly said from his foul language but she gave in and sighed.

"Alright, but you can only see her for a bit.  Then you go home and get some rest." She spoke softly, "don't tell Dr Hyunwoo I'm letting you do this."

He looked up at her nodding enthusiastically before getting up and rushing past her through the doors.

"Yoongi—!" She called but he was already gone, "Ah that boy.." she rubbed her forehead.

There she was, the heart meter beeps in a slow and soft steady beat. Her once flushed complexion now as pale as the paint of the stark white walls, she was hooked up to numerous machines, Respirator, Blood bags, IVs. She didn't look good yet,

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