Chapter 23

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Jungkook was going to question if Yoongi was alright the next morning but when he saw him, Yoongi was back to normal groaning how early it was but went about his day anyway. Jungkook swore something was wrong before but now he wasn't so sure.

Someone knocked on a door.

"Come in." A voice called.

"Yoongi? What can I do for you?" Manager Sejin called.

Yoongi walked into his managers office closing the door behind him. He then took a seat in one of the lounge chairs in the room.

"Hyung, there's something I need to talk about with you." Yoongi said seriously. Manager Sejin then prompted him to continue.

"I may have overheard your conversation with Nurse Sena from a few days back concerning Hana." Yoongi managed to keep his voice firm and serious. His managers expression changed to a sad one.

"I'm sorry Yoongi but we may have to—"

"We don't want to stop seeing Hana." Yoongi cut in looking down clasping his hands together. "We made a promise and as a member of BTS we do not plan on breaking it." Yoongi got down on his knees into a pleading bow. "Please Hyung."

Sejin was surprised how serious Yoongi was, they never begged for anything, Yoongi must really care for the girl. Sighing defeatedly, "Lift your head Yoongi, I'll allow it but you have to promise me." Yoongi lifted his face back up to meet his managers.

"You have to promise that when the time comes, all of you must still fulfill your duty as idols." He voiced, as Yoongi nodded immediately. "But, on one condition." Sejin spoke.

"I'm guessing you haven't told the other members? Well, you'll need to speak with them and tell them of the news you heard. They deserve to know too." Yoongi's face dropped at this. He didn't know how some of the other members were going to take this information.

"I understand." Yoongi got up and bowed to his senior. "Thank you hyung." He left the room after that.

His mind was clouded with concern of the younger members, none of them had experienced grief or anything like this before. He knew he had to tell one person first, the rest could wait a little longer. He sighed with a heavy heart and walked on.

"Hana? Oh here you are." Sena called for you as she stepped into the room. "I couldn't find you in your room, I didn't think I'd find you here. You haven't been here in a while." She spoke.

"Well, I've been feeling pretty good lately and I was itching to come back here as soon as I could." Hana replied as her delicate fingers rested on the ivory keys. The hospital had a decent sized music room with a piano in it. It was usually empty, but once in a while a single patient would come in and fill the halls with beautiful music.

"Would you play me my favorite song ?" Sena smiles gently at the girl as she nodded. She didn't need to have the music sheet in front of her as she glided her fingers over the keys, she had memories a few of her favorite piano pieces by heart.

As Hana played, music filled the halls of the hospital. Like a sense of peace and hope washed and cleansed the place. Just a soft piano can be heard if you stopped to listen. Nurses and patients would just close their eyes at the sounds of the beautiful keys that was only played once in a few months and would relish the moments when it did. Sena would close her eyes and smile as the song swept her into cloud 9 as everything felt lighter and more peaceful. Once the song came to a close she opened her eyes again to see the young girl look up at her with her doe eyes.

"I felt a bit rusty. Since I haven't played in a while but at least I didn't make a mistake." Hana smiled.

"You played beautifully as usual Hana." Sena caressed the girls hair to tuck behind her ear.

"I think I would like to practice a little more. There's been a song I've been meaning to play since I heard it. I'll be back for dinner, don't worry I have my buzzer to call you." Hana held out the little object to indicate that she was okay so Sena left her in peace as she played a familiar tune which made Sena smile sadly.

Spring day carried through the halls for the rest of the afternoon

"Why are we so busy!" Taehyung groaned and hugged a pillow to his face as he sat on their living room lounge.

"We haven't had a day off in two weeks." Jungkook sighed and collapsed into the lounge next to Taehyung. "I miss visiting Hana." He whined.

"You can just text her Kook if you miss her." Jin smiled at the boy from the kitchen as he was preparing dinner for the members.

"Yeah but it's not the same!" Jungkook rested his chin on the lounge and pouted.

"Kooks right, we should try to pay her a visit soon." Namjoon replied, exhausted from their practice.

"Maybe I should cook her a nice meal again." Jin said

"I'm going to message her if she feels like playing overwatch with us tonight. You down for that kook?" Taehyung nudged the youngest.

"Sure, it's nearly end of the game season. I need to get back up to masters." He nodded.

"I'm actually going to see her tomorrow." Yoongi said. "Sejin hyung has asked me to pass something to Sena."

"Since when were you his personal messenger?" Jimin quirked nudging his hyung. "Can't he just get one of the drivers to do it?"

Yoongi got up and walked to the kitchen to help Jin with meal prep. "No, he specifically asked me." Yoongi spoke and left it at that. He lied, he didn't need to pass anything to Sena but he needed to see Hana and since his meeting with Sejin, his manager understood. He'd also have to tell one of his members tonight.

"Jin hyung, I need to talk to you after dinner. Let's have a drink together." Yoongi asked the oldest while they cooked.


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