Chapter 12

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'Seven knights and the princess'

Jungkook: Noona! I'm so glad we can message you now, Tae and I can finally arrange our game sessions together with you!

Hana: Hi Kookie! Firstly who named this group chat..?

Tae: that would be Jin hyung...

Jin: what ! Isn't it fitting? ✨

Hana: uhhhhhh

Yoongi: don't think she likes it hyung. I told you it was stupid.

Jin: YAH! Shut your potty mouth Yoongi

Jimin: Yoongi hyung is tight, it's pretty dumb, it should be

Jimin has changed the group name to:
Jimin & Hana with the 6 dwarves

Jungkook: shouldn't it be, Hana & BTS feat. dwarf Jimin

After some moments pass, Hana hadn't known what to reply to the conversation. But couldn't help but snicker a little at Jungkooks bite at Jimin.

"YOU GET BACK HERE MAKNAE" Jimin shouts from the living room, chasing the jumping laughing bunny all around the coffee table and kitchen counter. Jin let out a sigh before Hobi stepped between the two to stop them from fighting.

Jin: Sorry Hana, there was a little fight in the playground in our end. How did you like our surprise? Sorry we couldn't come.

Hana: oh no no ! Thank you so much again, I know all of you are extremely busy I didn't think anyone would be coming in today.

Hana types back as fast as she could. She wasn't used to typing on the phone yet but her keyboard typing skills were incredibly fast. She'd get used to this very soon. She thought for a moment before typing.

Hana has changed the group name to:
Hana & her 7 dorks

Jimin: Hey! I'm not a dork

Tae: neither am I !

Yoongi: you are Tae.

Tae: shut up.

Taehyung sticks his tongue out at Yoongi from across the room earning a scoff from his hyung.

Hana: hope I didn't insult anyone, I just thought it was cute.

Hobi: if Hana thinks it's cute I'm all for it! 😄

Jimin: you're always okay with anything Hobi hyung. 😒 but I guess I can be your dork, Hana 😉

Hana: hahahahahaha

The girl has officially face planted into her pillow blushing from embarrassment. She now regrets her decision to change the name.

Hana: maybe it can be a temporary name meantime?

Jungkook: fine by me

Jin: sure!

Namjoon: I'm okay with it Hana

Yoongi: I'm fine with whatever

Tae: I miss you Hana! I'm free tomorrow evening, maybe we can play some games!

Hana: oh ! I'd love that!

Jungkook: Hey I want to play games too! Hana you still owe me.

Hana: alright how about I set up a lobby for us to play tomorrow evening?

Tae: awh but I wanted to come over..

Hana: oh Uhm..

She bit her lip and shook her phone in her hands wondering what to do.

Jungkook: it's okay Hana, I'm actually busy tomorrow 😅 another time another time.

Hana: oh okay! Then Tae and I can just play some console games so we don't rank in overwatch without you 😊

Tae: that's fine with me Hana, I'm sure it will be fun.

Hana: okay, I'll see you tomorrow Tae! I can't wait. Oh! Sorry I didn't mean to spam this chat so much.

Yoongi: it's okay, it's finally nice to message someone other than these six idiots.


Hana couldn't help but laugh at how comfortable Yoongi was at being savage towards his group around her. She was filled with so much laughter and happiness lately, she completely forgot what life was without them.

Hana: have a good day everyone 🥰

Jin: thank you dearest Hana, have a Wonderful day yourself.

She sighed and flipped her phone closed. Picking up her book where she left off for the rest of the day.

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