Chapter 36

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Hana felt like she slept an entire month away even if it had just been a few days, feeling knocked out and unmoving for a while was an experience each time she had to go through it. Going in and out of sleep, each moment awake felt like a dream. Her limbs ached and any slight movement she could feel her bones crack in relief after not being moved for a while. She could feel someone holding her hand gently, turning over to look; her eyes blinking the blurriness away she found a familiar bunny by her side.

"Kookie" she whispered hoarsely. He gripped her hand slightly, for a moment just to let her know he was really there.

"Morning Noona" he smiled sweetly at her.

"What are you doing here?" She barely got out couldn't believe he was here. Her eyelids were heavy and she couldn't even squeeze his fingers back with her strength.

"Noona, don't force yourself to talk. It's okay." He gently brushed some strands of hair falling onto her face. "Just get some rest noona." She managed to notice his hand in a cast while he swept her hair.

"what happened to your hand Kookie?" Her soft voice showing signs of concern, he knew she was worried, cursing himself internally for forgetting to hide it from her.

"It was just a small injury from practice." He managed to tell her a white lie in time, "don't worry about me noona" smiling sweetly at her.

After a few silent moments passed, "Have you been crying..?" She tried to focus on his features, his eyes were puffier than normal, they were slightly red. She tried to lift her other hand to cup his face but she was to weak, her hand flopped back down onto the bed. Jungkook noticed this, his heart breaking. Instead he took the hand he was holding and brought it up to his cheek for her.

"I'm alright Noona, I promise." His voice cracked a little and tried smiling at her, tears brimming in his eyes, leaning into her soft delicate palm, he closed his eyes, the tears cascading down his cheeks as he tried relishing this quiet moment with her, to keep this feeling in his memory.

"Don't cry Kookie, or I'll cry." She too tried to smile up at him, gently stroking his cheek with her thumb, tears welling up in her eyes too. "I'll be better soon I promise." she barely got out feeling an empty promise as she spoke, feeling her heart breaking, it was hard to see him like this, her voice was unsteady as tears finally broke through. Jungkook broke down at the sight of her tears for him, he nuzzled her hand.

"Jungkook, I'm scared." She finally confessed softly, a feeling she's always felt that haunted her every day and night, not knowing one day all of this would be over for her in a blink. She was afraid to lose him, afraid to lose all of them, to finally have people in her life she wanted to look forward to.

Jungkook  couldn't take it anymore, he scrunched his face in pain as more tears ran down his face, he only pressed himself closer to her hand as his body wracked in sobs.

She let him cry, she was touched that someone would cry for her, she smiled up at him through her tears and tried to calm him down, gently stroking his face with her thumb, the only movement she was capable of doing.

"Kookie, it's alright, I'm still alright." She whispered and cooed to him gently feeling him slowly relax under her palm.

"Noona" he spoke softly, she hummed in response. He kissed the palm of her hand and gently wrapped her pinkie around his. "I swear I will never break my promises and I promise to always be with you Noona."

"I'll protect you."

He spoke with resolve, slightly sniffling, eyes red. He chuckled a little to himself after. "So much for not crying, Jungkook." He muttered to himself, both him and Hana finally broke out in smiles laughing together, tear stained faces.

He continued to lean himself against her palm after, giving her multiple butterfly kisses on her hands and fingers making her giggle, he smiled widely at her in happiness. Even now he still thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world, inside and out.

I love you

Those three words that repeated in his head as he gazed upon her features.

I love you, Hana.

It repeated in his mind, her eyes were starting to flutter close again from the exhaustion. He wanted to say it but he couldn't, it wasn't the time.

Biting his bottom lip in thought, he heaved out a breath before smiling again, pulling her hair back and tucking it neatly behind her ear. She always felt that gesture was comforting.

"Get some rest Hana." He softly spoke, petting her head gently. She only had the energy to nod and hum in response before she fell back into a deep slumber.

Gently, he placed her hand back down on the sheets and tucked her back in, pulling the blanket neatly over her.

As he got up to leave he felt a small tug on the hem of his jacket. He turned around to see Hana half lidded, gazing up at him.

"Will you be here tomorrow?" She softly whispered.

Smiling, Jungkook took her hand again and placed it back on the bed.

"I promise Hana."

A/N: This chapter was short but Oh my god even I myself as the author cried T__T



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