Chapter 14

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Taehyung woke up to long messages in the morning coming from Hana, it was 7am in the morning and he could hear his group mates scuffle around in the apartment getting ready for the day. He bolted out of bed and headed for the living room.

"Did something happen to Hana?" He immediately called out to his members which whom are gathered around the kitchen island munching away at their breakfast. The members were shocked of his sudden question and appearance.

"No we hadn't heard from her, did she message the group chat?" Hobi looked at his phone with no new messages, confused.

"She directly messaged me saying there were complications last night and she wouldn't be able to hang out with me today" Tae looked at his hyungs expectantly, a worried expression plastered on his face. "What should I do hyung, I still want to see her."

"I think before you go, you should make a call to her nurse to see if you're allowed to" Jin spoke up as he was sliding some fried eggs onto a plate.

"Ah good idea hyung, it's just. I haven't seen her since that day and I really need to see her.." Tae's expression was troubled, Namjoon walked over and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay, I'm sure she's alright. She's a strong girl and we can all drop by this evening if we're allowed to, go show our support. Tae you make that call to Sena Noona okay?" He pat the boys back once more before returning to his kitchen island seat.

With a deep breath Tae nodded and started calling the hospital. After a few rings someone answered.

"Hello?" A manly voice sounded from the call. This was Sena's direct nurse line, had he gotten the right number? He checked the caller ID again and it was right.

"Uh, hello could I please speak to Sena?" He answered looking at the boys confused. They too shot him a confused look.

"May I know who is speaking?" The man replied back.

"This is.." he was worried maybe he had the wrong number and he was scared to disclose his identity so he stuck with his nickname Hana called him. "This is Tae" he quickly caught himself before it sounded suspicious.

"Oh! You're the boy she was supposed to meet today. Hi I'm Dr Jaehyun. I'm Hana's doctor. I've told Sena to have a bit of a break so I'm just taking over her role for a little." Tae nodded and had to complete the sole reason he was calling.

"Ah yes that would be me. Is Hana alright? Would it be possible if I could still visit today and maybe the rest of the boys tonight?" He rushed out the questions before he was too nervous.

"Yes of course, Hana is doing fine. Just a little drowsy because of her medication. You can come by but just make sure you don't disturb her rest, she needs it. Can you promise me that?" Jaehyun says kindly.

"Yes of course Dr Jaehyun!" Tae excitedly started smiling.

"Please just call me Jaehyun when we meet again, I'm not that much older than all of you" he laughed from his end.

"Sure thing, well I'll be there soon. Thanks again." Tae found this man really nice. He was happy that a doctor was taking good care of Hana.

"So? Is she okay?" Jimin asked, the boys also urgently waiting for Tae's reply.

"Yes she's fine, I was on a call with her doctor."

"Oh! We met him the other night, right kookie?" Jimin smiled at jungkook and Yoongi.

"Yeah he was a really young doctor" Yoongi voiced.

"Well he said we can still visit her as long as we don't interrupt her rest." The others nodded in agreement and had to take off to work.

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