Chapter 53

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After god knows how long she cried for, Yoongi kept his promise and never left, he soothed her with small strokes on her back as he rocked her ever so gently while they hugged. It was so comfortable and soothing at the same time, slowly she started to calm down, her fears being enclosed into this safe space that Yoongi provided, she let out all her emotions that had been buried deep for so long.

She finally withdrew from him, looking up to meet his eyes. She realized they were slightly glossy, his cheeks were stained too. She slowly reached out to feel his dampened soft skin.

"Have you been crying too..?" It was only a whisper between the two of them, he just stared into her eyes with a single nod.

"How are you feeling." He asked, brushing the hair away from her tear stained face.

"I feel a lot better, thank you Yoongi." She fluttered her eyes down to his hand, his fingers like feather touches on her skin, she looked up at him, realizing that he glowed like the moonlight. His complexion almost ethereal.

He gently caressed her cheek, wiping the last slipping tear from her eye before placing his index finger under her chin. She looked back up at him, as if silently giving him consent, he lifted her face gently and slowly; he leaned in while she closed her eyes as his lips kissed hers in the darkness.

Yoongi was gentle and soft, hesitant at first but as soon as she kissed back, he got more confident. Moving their lips with ease with each other, he gently cupped her cheek with his other hand and eased in closer to her, angling his face to get a better fit.

Yoongi broke apart suddenly to look into her eyes, He searched hers and it wasn't long until he saw that familiar glint in her eyes before he crashed into her lips for the second time. This time, the kiss was more passionate, she leaned back into the bed while he slowly climbed on top of her, he slid his hand up her arm, careful not to put and pressure on her body til he got to her hands, lacing his fingers together with hers, he pinned her down as they made out more fervently, her other hand cupped his cheek to pull him even closer, to kiss him deeper. He let out a strangled moan in his throat when she did so and he immediately pulled back, disconnecting their lips.

He hovered over her, the both of them chest rising and falling. His eyes never left hers and neither did hers leave him.

"Hana, we can't do this." His voice deep, and breathless. She reached out and caressed his cheek, suddenly she felt droplets of water on her face.

"Yoongi..?" She stared into his eyes, they were swimming with tears as they continued to drop. His face unreadable but filled with so many thoughts. "Why are you crying..?" She whispered, seeing his now pained expression.

He longed to be with her, he wished he could do something, do anything to whisk her away from this inevitable fate. He couldn't stand the thought of her gone from his life forever. He needed her.

"Hana, I love you."

His voice cracked, it was a confession she never thought of ever hearing.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this.. I can't do this knowing you're going too—"

He scrunched up the sheets around her in his fists, while biting his lip to try to stop it from quivering. She slowly sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him to her. His lips meeting hers again, the tears making the kiss salty to the taste but it never felt sweeter to be able to kiss her.

She pulled away just a little, looking into his eyes she smiled.

"Yoongi, thank you for loving me. And please don't cry..  it's okay."

She gently wiped a tear away with her thumb.

"I'm just happy you're here with me now." She kissed one of his tears away.

He finally smiled back, even through the tears, she could see his gummy smile which made her heart swell.

"Can you stay?" She whispered, their foreheads rested against each other.

"Always Hana." His breath fanned her cheeks, he pulled her close as they settled into a cuddle position in her bed, she laid on his chest while he held her.

"Get some sleep Hana." He gently caressed her, placing a kiss on her head as he held her close. She didn't realize how exhausted she was, because soon after she succumbed to sleep in Yoongi's arms. He held her all night, as he too managed to fall asleep.

That morning Sena found the two curled and cuddled up in her bed, his arm was still protectively around Hana. She smiled at the sight, happy to see her lovely Hana was finally being showed the love she deserved.

A/N : I love you 💜

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