Chapter 56

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A/N: firstly it's a great year to be an ARMY T_T congratulations to BTS for being nominated for the Grammys!!! I cried when I saw it. I'm so so so proud of them aaaaaaaAAaaa

They were driven to a boutique not far from the Summer Faire, it was a modern hanbok boutique, and they had rows and rows of beautiful colours and fabrics that just caught Hana's eye. She couldn't stop being in awe at everything, the hair accessories, the hats and pins, everything was so beautiful.

The boys were at the back busy getting dressed, they needed to be in something that had traditional hints but was still easy to dance in. Hana was curious as she waited for them to get changed while she browsed the store.

"Hana! Look look!" Taehyung came bounding out of one of the dressing rooms, catching Hana off guard. He looked incredible, ethereal like a man out of a historical movie.

"Tae! You look amazing!" She smiled widely at him as he did a spin for her. Soon after all of them started to pile out of the dressing room, each of them in variations of the one Tae were in but in colors of black, dark blue and red. They wore their dress pants or joggers to go along with the traditional top. It was safe to say that Hana was completely blown away by how gorgeous these men were.

"How do we look?" Namjoon spoke, his dimple grin on his face as all of them turned around for her. She just had her hands in front of her open mouth in awe, clapping enthusiastically when they were done with their mini fashion show.

"I guess she likes it." Hobi chuckled at her cute reaction.

"You all look incredible, wow.." she was at a lost of words.

"I guess we'll be going with these ones for the performance." Namjoon voiced to their stylist as their Noona's chuckled in endearment. They always get excited when they see Hana around, the boys would just instantly be super polite and well behaved and it made their job easier. It also showed the staff another side to the boys, they were completely enthralled with the girl.

Taehyung walked towards Hana, a big smile plastered on his face.

"Now it's your turn." He held her both of her hands.

Her eyes go wide in surprise, "huh? I thought it was just for you guys?"

Taehyung burst into laughter, "Don't be silly Hana, it's the last day of the festival! You need to wear a Hanbok too!" He went behind her, bowing to Sena to take over and wheeled her to the female side of the store, again rows and rows of beautiful fabric surrounded her.

"Hello Hana, it's nice to meet you." A kind lady greeted her.

"Ah Uh hello." She shyly replied, the lady in front of her was beautiful, probably in her mid thirties.

"Hana, this is Jihye one of our stylist noona's. She's prepared you something for today." He introduces before leaning into her ear whispering, "Technically I picked it out for you but shh. The Hyungs would be mad if they found out they didn't have a say." He cheekily said causing her to chuckle.

"Thank you Taehyung." She whispered back. He couldn't stop grinning after that.

"Alright, I'll take her from here. You must be Miss Sena, would you mind assisting me in helping Hana get dressed?" She kindly bowed to the nurse.

"Of course, lets get you changed Hana." Sena smiled, seeing how excited Hana was as her eyes twinkled like stars.

Taehyung returned back to the rest of the group, they were practicing minor moves in front of the mirror to see the clothes mobility while the stylists watched to make sure that nothing got caught anywhere when they danced. So far so good.

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