Chapter 61

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"Sena?" She called.

"Mom? dad? Jaehyun?" Again she tried but there was no one.

Just the gentle breeze and endless fields of flowers.

She stood there, looking at the surroundings before kneeling down to observe the flowers. She touched the delicate un-bloomed buds wondering why it felt so familiar.

Looking directly up at the sky, the sun didn't sting her eyes yet it was blazing down at her.

This isn't real.

Three hours had passed, three long hours that felt like years to them in this moment.

Jaehyun rushed back to the lab, giving one of the boys permission to alert him when the surgery was over.

Three long hours the boys, their manager and Sena had waited out In the hall praying to whomever out there that would listen to their prayers.

None of them wanted to leave until the surgery was over, Manager Sejin grew concerned and he knew that the boys were not fit to start their regime tomorrow. So he got up and made some calls once he knew Sena was doing better.

Some kind nurses that were Sena's friends brought them something to drink while they waited but the majority of them couldn't consume anything right now. The awful feeling in their stomachs never went away.

Jin slowly got up from his seat and made his way to see where Dr Jaehyun was. The doctor had mentioned he was working on a cure for her but unfortunately it was incomplete. He had to work even harder now, that's if Hana made it out alive.

The Labs were down the hallway, a little further away from all the operation rooms but it wasn't too far. Jin knocked on the specified door carefully before entering to see Jaehyun alone in the lab hunched over a microscope.

The minute the door opened, Jaehyun's eyes shot up. Fear and panic on his features.

"Is she okay?"

Jin just shook his head, "She's not out yet. I just wanted to check up on you. Sorry."

Jin was about to close the door and leave before he was interrupted.

"Wait!" Jaehyun called, surprising Jin.

"I need your opinion on something." He asked, unsure about himself but asked anyway.

Jaehyun, this boy wouldn't know anything. Why are you asking him?

"The vaccine that cures this auto immune disease, it comes in three parts. I've managed to develop the two but according to the doctor in russia who is leading this case, he says that there needs to be one final one to make sure the body doesn't fight itself anymore." Jaehyun rambled. Jin looked at him seriously nodding, letting the man talk.

"The third vaccine it-it's still in development but according to Dr Antonov, it's worked on his patient and I was wondering." He paused, looking down at his hands.

"Do you think we should chance it with Hana..?" He looked back up at Jin, a pleading yet uncertain look on his face.

Jin was at a lost. Why was Jaehyun telling him all of this. He wasn't medically trained but using a partially developed vaccine on a patient was dangerous. But if that was their last straw.. Jin didn't know what to do but answered honestly.

"I believe that decision should be yours Dr Jaehyun. You should know what's best for Hana." He paused. "But I'm sure you also know the consequences if the vaccine backfires." Jin speaks honestly looking down. "Sorry, you asked for my opinion and I just voiced it." He felt it wasn't his place to say it.

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