Chapter 45

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Hana collapsed in a frustrated cry, tears ran down her face but she kept trying over and over and over again but the outcome was the same.

She couldn't walk.

"Why!" She screamed as she forced herself to get up, Sena rushed to her to stop her.

"Hana, that's enough!" Sena frantically tried to stop her but She slapped her helping hand away.

"Leave me alone! I can do it!" Hana struggled even more to pull herself up, she gritted her teeth at the pain shooting through her limbs, she was straining her arms and it was taking a toll on her.

"Hana! Stop right now!" A loud booming voice filled the room, the girl finally let go and collapsed back on the floor in a heap, a wail escaping her lips.

Jaehyun quickly made his way to his younger sister, his heart wrenched as he saw her in such a state, kneeling in front of her, he carefully tried to pull her up but she gripped the front of his medical coat.

"Oppa, why, why can't I walk anymore." She pleaded for answers.

"I-I gained energy everywhere else but my legs still stay weak, Why!" She looked up at him catching him off guard. His usual calm and serious face now filled with worry. She then collapsed in his arms as he held her tightly as she cried. He pulled her close to his chest, burying his face in her hair.

"I'm sorry Hana—" his voice broke, "I'm so sorry." He apologised over and over again, as the two siblings cried in each others arms.

"Hi Hana, I'll be your new doctor on call. My names Hyun woo, it's nice to meet you." A doctor in his mid forty's introduced himself, a stranger Hana thought.

"W-where's my Oppa?" She asked confused, she was back in her room in bed.

"Hana dear, a new law has been introduced. Unfortunately doctors are unable to attend to patients who are related to them." Sena sadly said to the girl.

"But Oppa has been my doctor for years! You can't just take him away like that." Tears were building in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Ms Park, we have to follow the new law. Your brother is still around but he wouldn't be able to treat you." Dr Hyunwoo said.

She couldn't say anything, as tears slid down her cheeks. She trusted her brother, she loved when he would stop by for her checkups, he was also very gentle with her, knowing what scared her and what would distract her when she had to do difficult procedures. He helped her get through the most difficult times and now he wasn't allowed to be her doctor anymore?

"H-he can still visit me right?" She meekly asked as Sena drew her eyes in a sad but understanding matter.

"Of course my dear, he can drop by anytime you'd like, just Mr Hyunwoo here will be the ones conducting your checkups from now on. Your brother appointed him specially so you don't have to worry." She smiled sweetly at the girl, petting her hair gently.

Hana looked down in deep thought, tears were still in her eyes as after a brief moment she just nodded.

"It's nice to meet you Dr Hyunwoo, please take care of me." She slowly respectfully bowed to him. Dr Hyunwoo watched the girl with sad eyes as he nodded, happy that she finally accepted him.

"Thank you Ms park, hope we can get along well." He smiled kindly at her which she graciously returns in her own small smile.

The last few days for her had been a rollercoaster, it gave her a headache and all she wanted to do was just sleep, hoping that a new day would dawn.

The next morning she woke up so soft strums of a guitar, she was confused for a moment wondering why there even was a guitar around as her eyes adjusted to see a familiar head of dark floppy hair and a focused face a bunny strum at a guitar.

"Jungkook, you should be resting your arm." She whispered at him, seeing his hand still in a cast. She sleepily reached out for it.

He was surprised from her voice and quickly placed the guitar to the side of him. "Morning Noona." His once focused face was now replaced with a sweet smile.

"Morning Kookie" she returned the smile and hummed happy to see him. Although her eyes brows knitted into a slight frown.

"I thought you said it was a small injury? You've been in this fast for a while." She asked with concern, feeling the hard bumpiness of the cast with her fingers as Jungkook observed her actions.

"I-it is a small injury." He tried to lie again as she just looked at him, one eyebrow cocked in disbelief.

"Fess up Kookie before I tell Sena noona to kick you out." She threatened and pouted.

His eyes went wide from her threat, he bit his lip thinking about it before he ruffled his hair with his good hand and groaned.

"Fine, but it's embarrassing." He couldn't look her in the eye.

With a big breath, he finally confessed. "The hyungs said something that made me lose it so I went into my room and punched the wall out of frustration." He huffed out in one breath before looking away, he tongued his cheek out of embarrassment, his cheeks were a little red.

She blinked a few times silently as he waited nervously for her answer.

"Wow Kookie." She paused still blinking at him before she continued.

"that's pretty dumb of you."

She finally said before breaking into a fit of laughter. Jungkook just groaned, head in his hands.

"I know I know! Everyone needs to stop reminding me!" He whined as Hana tried to calm down from her laughter before she placed her hand softly on his cheek.

She smiled up at him, "I'm just glad you're okay Kookie." She softly said as it melted his heart.

He smiled back at her sweetly, leaning into her hand and giving it butterfly kisses again, making her go back into a fit of giggles.

"Kookie it's ticklish when you do that!" She tried to pull her hand away but he only held it in place with his.

"Nope, never." He said between little pecks. A smile evident on his lips but he suddenly stops. His once cheeky face turns serious as he gazes back at her.

She was confused for a moment but there was something about his eyes that she couldn't tear herself away from.

Before she knew it, he stood up and leaned towards her, capturing her lips with his. This shocked her but she could feel the sincerity through his kiss, this wasn't like Jin or Taehyung, she could feel his raw emotion that just couldn't be contained anymore. He cupped her face gently in his hands, his manly form towered above her and he was kissing her passionately. This was her first proper make out session and before she knew it, she kissed him back with matched fervor. She subconsciously gripped the front of his Tshirt to pull him closer to her but a knock at the door tore them apart.

"Hello, Ms Hana it's time for your checkup." Dr Hyunwoo called from the door.

She was a little out of breath and so was Jungkook. She quickly fixed herself up while jungkook did the same before she called to let him in.

Dr Hyunwoo enters the room, greeting Jungkook. The boy quickly clears his throat and just bows silently and quickly picks up the guitar again as if he's been playing it all along.

In a way Hana mentally chuckled at how he was behaving, this was the third member that had kissed her and her feelings were complicated but she couldn't help but feel something for all three of them, all three in different ways.

Edit: sorry I reread it and it had crucial auto correct errors that I needed to fix! Sorry there's so many updates

A/N: don't worry everyone, Jungkook will have more appearances, please stay calm.

Sorry if it seems rushed but I just believe he's one to act on impulse and have very complicated emotions to the point where he doesn't know how to handle them well? Hope the chapter is okay with you! 😖

Unfortunately Hana is slowly struggling more ):

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