Chapter 11

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"Hana, you have a visitor!" Sena called and Hana looked up from reading her book in surprise. She was not expecting another visitor so soon, specially since she never really got any and she was not having her expectations high with the BTS boys as she knew they we're way too busy.

A head of lilac walked into the room with dimples on his cheeks, she couldn't help but smile with joy.

"Joon Oppa!" She called cutely at him setting the book aside. He walked in, hands behind his back as if hiding something from her. He feigned embarrassment causing a fit of giggles to bubble up from both of them. "What are you doing here? Are the rest with you?"

"No just me today, unfortunately. The boys really wanted to come but Yoongi was drilling them to redo some parts that he wasn't satisfied with yesterday. Luckily for me, I managed a pass from the gatekeeper" he winked cheekily and sat in the chair next to her.

"No I'm glad to see you! I wasn't expecting anyone to come visit me today. All of you have been coming everyday since." She awed at him, still curiously trying to peek at what he was hiding from her in his hands.

"Ah-uh, I'm not letting you see it yet" he stopped her lingering eyes and set whatever it was behind him on the floor so she couldn't see it and she pouted in response. "Soon soon. Don't worry, now wipe that cute pout off your face unless you want me to kiss you." He boldly said glancing up at her with those eyes.

Hana was a mess. Not only her ears were turning red, her entire neck and face we flushed. She immediately retracted her pout and looked at Namjoon in shock at his sudden boldness. He burst out laughing at her before apologizing profusely.

"That reaction was so good, I'm sorry Hana" he calmed down his laughter and she couldn't help but laugh along a little with him.

"Hey don't joke about things like that! What would army think?" She crossed her arms at him.

"I don't know, you're army. What would you think?" He cheekily jabbed her with smart remarks leaving the girl constantly trying to gather her thoughts as quickly as possible.

"W-well I think" she paused a little. "I think my thoughts would be highly biased since it was targeted at me" she puffed out her chest, arms still crossed but avoiding Namjoons eyes.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her answer and pat her head. He found her extremely endearing and witty, it was enjoyable talking to her.

"Alright so, unfortunately I don't have much time" he reached behind him and picked up a small bag of sorts, much like the ones she received a few days ago.

"Another gift? You guys already got me so much" she awed at him, hesitant to accept it.

"Now this, is the most essential gift" his eyes lingered on the little sparkles peaking from under her long sleeve. "I guess you also found the other essential gift" he pointed at her right wrist.

"Oh!" She pulled her sleeve up to show the beautiful tennis bracelet. "I'm surprised you noticed, I've been wearing long sleeves I thought no one would." She rotates her wrist before she felt Namjoons hands caress the diamonds and her delicate skin. Her thoughts about the new present long forgotten in her head through this action.

"Do you like it?" He glanced up at her, locking eyes.

"How could I not, it's extremely beautiful and honestly the only piece of jewelry I've ever owned before, Thank you" her voice was soft as she smiled sweetly.

His heart thudded in his chest, the girl looked angelic and so fragile. All he wanted was to protect her for the rest of his life but that thought eventually made him frown. Concern rose in her features at his sudden change of mood.

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