Chapter 18

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Hana: Hello? Anyone awake?

She had messaged the group chat at around 3am. The boys had been pretty busy the past few days doing photo shoots for promos. She didn't know what their schedules were but she couldn't sleep because she missed them. The sudden absence of presence was affecting her when it shouldn't. She shouldn't get too used to being coddled by them all the time.

Jimin: Hana, what are you doing up so late?

Hana: I should be asking you the same Chimmy.

Jimin: oh am I Chimmy now? Heehee I like that nickname.

Hana: Ah only sometimes! I love your BT21 character.

Jimin: isn't he so cute? And don't worry, I'm always up late. Yoongi hyung should be up too.

Yoongi: I'm just finishing some lyrics. What's up Hana.

Hana: Ah hi Yoongi Oppa!

Jimin: no fair, she can call you Oppa.

Hana could already imagine Jimin pouting.

Yoongi: only because I'm actually older than her. But really Hana, what are you doing up so late, Jungkook and Tae said you need a lot of rest.

Hana: Ah.. they're not wrong.

She thought for a moment but realized she only had this life to live to say things so she went for it.

Hana: I just really miss your company. All of you, I may have gotten too used to being around people now that I actually miss it.

Jimin: Hana love, it's only natural to want to. Don't worry we really miss you too, we love that we finally have someone else we can care for.

Hana's heart ached. She wish she could really see them.

Jimin: sorry we haven't been visiting. Things have gotten busy again recently but we have some time off soon.

Hana: you don't have to say sorry at All! I just wanted to express how I felt. And I feel a lot better getting it out. Thank you Jimin 🥰

Yoongi: Try and get some sleep Hana, did you want us to call you?

Hana had never thought of that. She was too shy to ever call them incase she disturbed them. Before she could reply she realized she was being rung in a three way call with Jimin and Yoongi.

"Hello?" She answered softly.

"Hi Hana!" Jimin greeted along with a familiar grunt of acknowledgement from Yoongi.

"Why don't you try and sleep now Hana. Close your eyes, don't worry we'll stay on the call with you." Yoongi speaks softly in his low voice. Jimin hums a soft medley on his end.

She guessed they made this call to help her fall asleep, Yoongi was the genius everyone thought he was, but he was also one of the most thoughtful people. This way she didn't feel so alone and the soft humming of Jimins angelic voice along with the soft taps of a keyboard and piano make it so peaceful for her to sleep.

"Are you sure this is okay? I don't want to bother the both of you" she asked

"Don't worry Hana, we want to help you feel comfortable so you can have a good sleep." Jimin softly spoke

"So you'll never feel alone" Yoongi spoke next and all she wished was to melt into both of their voices. She sighed contently and said thank you.

"Just place you're phone next to you on speaker hana, we'll be here" Yoongi assured. She guessed they were going to be up for a while.

"If you need us just call for us okay?" Jimin spoke.

"Okay" she responded politely before making herself comfortable. Laying her head facing her phones direction. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep while Jimin sang a beautiful medley to her. She wished she could have recorded it to sleep to every night if she could. Jimins versions of euphoria, epiphany and singularity and of course his own serendipity were just too beautiful. Luckily unknown to her, Yoongi was already a step ahead.

Hana ended up sleeping like a baby that night, as the call ran throughout.

A few days later, Jimin came by to visit at night. By this time Hana was nearly back to normal again. She still had to be wheeled around but otherwise when it came to pain and the condition of her bruise, it was pretty nonexistent. Her creamy skin had started looking normal again.

"Hana! I have a surprise for you" Jimin eagerly jumped onto the spare bed that was now permanently there next to Hana's own.

"Hi Jimin! What is it?" She giggled as he completely lit up the mood in the room.

"Well I have a few surprises." He eagerly wiggles his eyebrows up and down. "Firstly, Tada!" He brought out a CD that looked like any ordinary disc.

"What is it?" She asked curiously observing it.

"Why don't you put it on and have a listen?" He excitedly said jumping himself up and down cross legged on the bed.

"Okay okay!" She laughed at his adorable actions as she reached for her laptop and inserting the disc in. Realizing it was a music disk she played the song tracks. Upon hearing the music she already knew what it was.

"Wait, you recorded it?" She gasped hearing Jimin's voice carry through the room. It was Euphoria but in a mellow ballad, much like how he sang her to sleep.

"Yoongi hyung had the idea to specially record it for you Hana. We both realized it could help you sleep when we're unable to keep you company." He smiled a closed eye smile at her. He was so happy to be able to do something for Hana.

"I don't know what to say! Thank you so much Jimin." She opened up her arms as they both leaned in to hug tightly.

"Anything for you dearest Hana" his Mochi cheeks were basically pinch-able in combination with his adorable smile.

"I'll have to thank Yoongi Oppa sometime too when I next see him" she awed at how beautifully arranged the songs were.

"Alright that was the first surprise, onto the next !" He quickly reached over and pressed the space bar of the laptop to pause the song. Hana was amused at his energetic character. "I, Park Jimin will be able to stay the night and sing to you in a live performance!" He motioned to himself and bowed dramatically for her.

She clapped in amusement and cheered for him playfully, Jimin enjoyed her reaction and played along continuously bowing at a makeshift audience.

"Really?? Oh that would be so wonderful!" She squealed in delight and laid back on her pillow suddenly. "When did I get so lucky?" She said out loud before turning to the boy.

"I believe, we're the lucky ones to have you" he booped her nose playfully. She was so happy to see him in high spirits. Since their last encounter, she was glad he looked so much happier.

Jimin wanted to live in the moment, and in this moment, he was so happy to see Hana so happy which fueled his desire to keep making her happy. Much like the rest of his members, they all decided to agree upon being more positive from now on.

"Hana, it's getting late so why don't we get cleaned up and ready for bed, I mean the concert okay?"

Hana nodded enthusiastically and Jimin helped call Sena to help her out while he himself got changed for bed. He was prepared unlike jungkook as he planned to stay the night before coming here. He changed into a comfortable loose top and shorts and hopped into bed, ready to sing Hana to sleep.

When he heard her soft snores, he decided to finish one of the songs and gently stroke her face with his delicate touch. He too slept peacefully that night beside her, it felt as rewarding as singing to thousands of Army's at a concert.

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