Chapter 5

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A/N: maybe I should call this book "Just One Day" thoughts ?

Bangtan had given Hana an incredible amount of presents, ranging from a complete signed collection of their albums to BT21 themed items and stuffed toys. Of course Hobi and Jimin had spoiled her with the most luxurious clothes a girl could ever want from pretty dresses to comfy sweaters. She wondered if she had to have another room just for all the things they had gifted her.

"I really don't deserve all of this.. thank you so much" she adoringly said to everyone. She was feeling so thankful for this moment as she never had anyone gift her anything before.

"Don't worry sweet Hana, we wanted to do this for you" Hobi smiled lovingly at the girl and she couldn't help but burst into tears at this. Hobi then quickly pulled her in for a gentle hug, careful not to hurt her which she returned whispering numerous thank you's through her tears. Once she pulled back she could see that the other members had started to tear up a little too at the heartfelt action so she decided to quickly wiped her tears and smile at all of them, bowing her head in thanks.

"Really, thank you everyone. I cannot express it enough." She smiled widely and managed to giggle a little, again, the room already felt lighter and the boys returned the gesture.

"Say Hana," Jimin asks leaning on the bottom of the bed frame. "Could we ask why you chose us to be your wish?" He cheekily smiles at the girl causing her to flush furiously again.

"Yah ! We can't ask her that so suddenly!" Tae hits the side of Jimin's arm. While Jimin couldn't help but laugh at his cheeky question. Jin disappointingly shaking his head from the couch.

"Uhm.." Hana finally speaks causing everyone's attention to land on her again. She speaks shyly while looking down at her hands."It's because since I found all of you through your beautiful music, and stumbling upon Run BTS, I found that the interactions between yourselves were so lively and fun.." she looks up at everyone her cheeks slightly flushed. "And I wanted to experience what it would be like for a day to have friends" she nervously bites her lower lip, quickly looking elsewhere, not meeting their eyes.

At this the boys hearts were just taken by this gentle fragile girl. She was so strong, through their entire interaction today they never would have thought that this girl before them had gone through the hells they read about in her file.

"Hana.." Yoongi surprisingly is the one that speaks up. Everyone was shocked by this but Hana gently looked up at him, nervous for his answer. "It's not just for today, we can be your friend for as long as you'll have us" his perfect pouty lips gently turn up in a sweet smile towards her.

"That's right Hana, we're not here for just today" Jungkook slides just hand under one of hers to hold it gently.

"We're going to be here for you for many days after. Our company and the hospital have granted us permission to visit you anytime" Namjoon softly touches a strand of her long hair. "That's if, you'd like to of course" Namjoons eyes twinkle at hers, dimples showing on his cheeks.

"You mean, I can see you all again? after today?" She was shocked and confused by what they were saying. She had only requested a day.

"We can see you tomorrow if you'd like too! In fact all of us can even come when we're free if you'll have us" Tae's boxy smile shines through and all she could feel was a sense of happiness wash over her. Jungkooks hand tightens around her own, pulling her attention to him.

"We will be here with you Hana, for not just one day. It was our decision that we wanted to be here for you." He sweetly smiles at her, his cute bunny teeth all of Army talk about. She felt like the luckiest girl in this moment. Surrounded by her favorite Idol group.

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