Chapter 47

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The boys were having a free day today, most of them went out to meet up with friends, truthfully Hana was glad they weren't using up all their free time to see her and they needed to spend their days with their family or friends too. However two of them stayed back at the dorm to relax.

"Hey Hobi hyung, can I ask you something?" Namjoon spoke as he carefully unwrapped his newly ordered and packaged collectible figurines laid out on the floor. He was going to take them to his studio later. Hobi was slouched on their sofa, he just flicked through the channels of the tv, fickle about what he wanted to watch.

"Yeah what's up Joon?" He kept flicking through the channels, already having reached a loop in them he sighed and finally turned the tv off.

"Why haven't you visited Hana much?" He blurted, not realizing how blunt it sounded he cleared his throat and re-evaluated his words, "I mean, I haven't either but I haven't had free time compared to you guys being the leader and all." He spoke again before he paused whacking his head a little realizing how worse that sounded. "I didn't mean like—"

Hobi's hearty chuckle cut Namjoon off, it was rare that their leader fumbled with his words, usually he was very careful of what he said. "Joon, it's fine really." Hobi leaned his head back on the sofa, closing his eyes. He breathed out a breath before speaking, "I guess it's because I'm not sure what to do with her? It's funny because you'd think as someone optimistic like me would love to help her out but I'm actually, confused as to what I could do for her." Hobi thought for a moment. "I guess I'm a little lost."

His words sank in, Namjoon was slowly understanding why Hobi felt a little uncomfortable being around Hana alone.

"Hobi hyung, I think you're overthinking it a little." Namjoon smiled as he continued to inspect his figures. "I think Hana would just enjoy your company regardless. Didn't that day with her go well? You were even thoughtful enough to bring up her empty photo frames."

For a moment hobi just sat there thinking, Namjoon was right, he overthought it. It wasn't because he didn't want to be with her, it was because he was afraid he wouldn't live up to what she thought of him as a member of BTS, but that was just him overthinking. That day he visited her, she smiled brightly and they enjoyed their day together even if they hadn't done much. That's what makes Hana such a vibrant girl, she didn't need much to make her happy, she appreciated anything, and anyone.

Getting up, he quickly went to his room, coming back shrugging on a light jacket.

"Oh? Going out hyung?" Namjoon looked up at him.

"Yeah, I'm going to see Hana. Thanks Joon." Hobi smiled at the leader which he gratefully returned.

"Have fun hyung!" Namjoon called before the door closed. A big smile etched onto his face.

It was evening and summer sunsets were always so beautiful to watch from her window. Every evening she'd watch as the sky would turn into a hue of numerous colors, it just reminded her of those ombré popsicles or various ice creams.

"Mm I could use an ice cream about now." She murmured to herself, leaning her chin on her hands against the window frame.

"Why don't we get some?"

"Oh my god!" she whipped around gripping her chest, eyes wide.

"Hobi!" She shouted, surprised to see the boy, his heart shaped smile and hearty laugh erupted from him.

"Hi pretty Hana!" He beamed and waved enthusiastically.

"All of you need to stop surprising me like that." He mumbled to herself and took a deep breath cursing the ground.

"Ah-uh, a pretty flower shouldn't say such non pretty words." He wagged his finger towards her in a no.

"Hobi, you're not Jin Oppa." She pouts and crosses her arms over her chest in a huff. Hobi chuckled and made his way over to the bed near the window where she sat.

"So? You said you want some ice cream, let's go somewhere!" He offered.

She thought for a moment, still gazing at the ever shifting sunset. In the distance she saw familiar twinkling lights, a sight that always made her sad during the months of summer. Seeing her expression change, Hobi turned to look towards where her eyes landed, it was a large Ferris wheel in the distance, the annual Summer faire Seoul had every year.

"Do you want to go to the faire?" He questioned, lifting his eyebrow up teasingly, a amused smirk plastered on his face as she finally looked at him.

"Uh-uhm." She fumbled with the sheet of the blanket, looking down.

Damn, why was I always so obvious.

She bit her lip and scolded herself mentally. Why did she always stutter when she was nervous? A flush made its way to her cheeks.

Hana was an open book, in fact she was too easy to read and Hobi found that endearing. He admired that she could wear her heart on her sleeve unlike them who had to be conscious of their actions and surroundings 24/7. He wished that maybe for one night he could just be himself.

"You know what? I want to go to the faire !" He got up enthusiastically and determined. He whipped his head and hand towards her, "will you, miss Hana, accompany me to the Summer faire,  little flower?" He mocked seriousness with a hint of  accent as if he was a prince of some sort, trying to escort a lady.

She couldn't help but giggle and gladly take his hand, "if you'd allow my company Sir J-hope" she continued to chuckle at his silly acting.

"My dearest flower, why of course! Is it not you that I asked?" He dramatically flavored his arms around before the both of them collapsed in a fit of laughter. Tears were in her eyes as she laughed hard.

Wiping them gently she spoke, "but Hobi, wouldn't it be dangerous? So many people would be there. You'd get recognized!" She looked up at him with her doe eyes.

How this girl was always worried about them really made him love her even more. She always seemed to put them first in everything.

"It's okay Hana, I'll wear my mask and hat. Plus I don't think a decent person would bother someone wheeling a girl in a wheelchair." He spoke confidently. She thought for a while and nodded. It was a good idea, she just hoped he had backup ideas.

"Maybe you should call someone to watch us just incase? Just promise me if you do get noticed, just leave me be. I can get myself out of there."

"What? No! Of course I won't leave you Hana, and don't worry I'll call someone just incase." He leaned in towards her and flicked her forehead.

"Ack!" She flinched and touched her forehead. His face was close to hers, his eyes only showed seriousness in emotion.

"I will never ever leave you Hana." He spoke, his voice lower than usual which made her gulp, her ears were getting hot.

"Alright! Let's go!" He jumped in enthusiastic skips as he made his way to her wheelchair. "Oh wait, I should probably ask Sena noona first." He spoke to himself, with a pensive look. Hobi was extremely animated. It was like watching a cartoon character make numerous expressions and it made her laugh.

He made his way out for a few moments as she gazed back at the window, now the two killing lights of the Ferris wheel didn't seem so sad anymore.

A/N: more love for Hobi! I love that sunshine boy so much. I'm sorry if I've not included much of him, it's really hard to focus on so many character developments 😅 I'm trying many hardest!

Also I love their new song! It's so pleasant, I can't wait to receive my BE album copy 🥰

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