Chapter 58

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"Alright everyone ready in five minutes! You have five minutes!" The event organizer called to Bangtan, they were already mic'ed up and in their outfits, performance ready. Sena was wheeling Hana out the door to the venue area where she could watch but someone ran and caught them just before they left.

"Jimin?" She was surprised to see him.

"Hi uhm, can I please talk to Hana just for a second." Jimin quickly rushed out to Sena. She nodded and walked away for a little.

"Hana I'm worried about you. Please tell Sena if you really don't feel well." He grabbed the sides of her arms firmly, eyes searching hers. He was extremely worried, the minute he first heard her coughs.

"Jimin, it's okay. I told you I was alright right?" She smiled sweetly at him. He searched her eyes for any inkling of an answer to his questions but he just sighed.

"Alright, Just please promise me you tell Sena if something's wrong." He breathed out.

"Jimin! We gotta go!" Namjoon called.

"Alright, gotta go. Love you Hana, Enjoy tonight okay?" He quickly pecked her forehead and started running after the group before she could say bye.

She watched as he ran to the group, the lot doing their usual cheer before they go up on stage, waving at her goodbye. She waved back while Sena got back, wheeling her out.

"Let me know when you need a break alright Hana? Also Those boys really like you." Sena chuckled at the girl. She just sat quietly and nodded.

"I love them too." She whispered to only herself, smiling softly.

The staff directed them to an open area, the screams were getting really loud and the crowd was much bigger than she thought it would be, luckily Sena and her with a few others were in a private area just in front of the barricade between the crowd and the stage, she had a Really good view and it was reserved for the special attendants like families and the rest of the performers.

She could hear a few girls whine as she was wheeled by being jealous of her position but who would be jealous of a girl in a wheelchair? She thought. Sighing they got to front just in time, she awed at the large stage with the Han river just behind. She had never been to a live performance and it was pretty overwhelming but she couldn't help but be even more excited.

Clutching the blanket tighter to herself she heard the familiar whistles of DNA, the stage was still dark but everyone went wild just from hearing those first few whistles, their screams blared in her ears and she cringed a bit from the loud noise but she soon got used to it. Soon enough they appeared in all their glory, the DNA choreography in full force as the girls around her went crazy. The crowd started signing along and so did she, once in a while she would make eye contact with one of them, Jimin being one and throwing her a wink, Jungkook and Jin did a similar action and every time they did the girls behind her in the barricade would swoon as if it was for them. Hana couldn't help but feel like the luckiest girl in this moment.

This was something she'd always dreamed of and now she was here, seeing them in all their glory performing up close. How far she had come from watching these boys laugh and bicker on her tiny laptop screen back in the hospital for years she followed them. And now they were here; she was here. And they knew her.

Once DNA ended she clapped and cheered so loud, Sena too was very much into it as well. Soon after they got into their position, but Airplane pt.2 didn't start playing. Instead it was the familiar tune of 'You never walk alone.'

(you can play the song on repeat while reading the rest of the story, it helps with the mood.)

The whole crowd was surprised and so was she, they had never performed this song before and she was pretty sure they spent hours today practicing Airplane pt.2.

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