Chapter 27

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A/N: thank you again for reading ! Please don't forget to vote on chapters you like ^^ it lets me know what kind of stories you like so I can make more like them.

"Had a good day?" Jimin smiled at Hana as he went through his bag, taking out this pajamas for the night.

"I did, those two never fail to make me laugh. I don't know how they have so much energy in them. It gives me so much energy too!" She chuckles to herself as she sits crossed legged on her bed, showered and in her pajamas already.

"I'm going to have a shower and be back alright? Don't fall asleep yet, I'd like to talk a little before bed." Jimin motioned to the bathroom as Hana nodded in response.

While she waited she couldn't help but play with the sparkling bracelet that the older members got her. She never took it off and never planned to, every time she saw it, she was always mesmerized. It was one of her most precious gifts, recalling back her first meeting with them she couldn't help but smile a little wider at the thought of how lucky she felt.

"What are you smiling at?"

Hana looked up surprised to see Jimin walk out, towel drying his wet hair in a long sleeved striped top and some comfortable sweatpants.

"Ah, isn't that what the hyungs got for you? Can I see it?" He excitedly came close and sat on Hana's bedside. She voluntarily held out her wrist to him.

"Ippuda" (pretty) he mused as he delicately touched her wrist. "Maybe the maknae's should get you something."

She waved her hands in front of her. "Oh no please! You all have spoilt me enough! I have more than I could ever ask for." She genuinely thanked him.

"We just love seeing you happy." He grinned and sat comfortably on the extra bed that was pushed up against her own. "Are you tired?" He yawned when he said so.

"I have a feeling you're the tired one Jimin." She chuckled.

"Do you still listen to my lullabies ?" He cheekily hugged a pillow.

"Every night." She smiled at him shyly. "Thank you for recording them again, they really do help me sleep. Even when I don't have trouble sleeping." She giggled and tucked herself under the blankets but laid on her side to look at him, Jimin did the same.

"Want me to turn off the lights?" Jimin asked nearly getting out of bed again.

"Oh don't worry I got it." She stopped him and reached over behind her and turned off the lights with her remote.

"Oh that's handy. Maybe I should install a remote for my room." He thought.

"If I'm going to be honest, it just makes me a little lazy." She chuckled into the pillow she hugged.

"Yeah you're probably right for someone like me." He chuckled back. "But I'm glad it's convenient for you when you're unable to get out of bed." He smiled softly at her.
"Speaking of which," he reached out to hold her hand, and she happily complied for him to as they both laid on their side facing each other hugging their pillows in between. "How have you been?"

She smiled sadly at him but nodded joyfully. "I've been feeling pretty good actually. I'm able to move around without sudden aches and pains and I don't need a wheelchair for the time being which is great." She looked at him. "Sadly I'm still unable to stand up for long but that's okay, I'm just happy to be able to move around again." She squeezed his hand showing how thankful and happy she was. He responded in a squeeze and smile back.

"I'm really glad to hear that Hana." He softly spoke, his voice was like his singing, It was calming and sweet. "You know, we really like you Hana. Since you've entered our lives we feel like besides having army, we have an extra purpose in life to live for." He stroked his thumb on her hand gently. The room was quiet besides their small talk, the moon shining through the sheer curtains, it was cold and comfortable under the covers as they both felt at peace in each others company.
"It can get lonely sometimes." He confessed.

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