Chapter 3

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Two weeks ago

"Hyung we have to wake up early, tomorrow's the day" A young man called out from the hallways of the dimly lit living room.

"Give me a second, I just need to finish this. It has to be perfect." Namjoon then finishes writing in a card before looking up at Jungkook. "Have the others gone to bed already?" He asks, smiling at the maknae.

Sliding in a stool by the kitchen counter in front of Namjoon, Jungkook rests his head in his hands as big sigh leaves his mouth. "Yes, they're all asleep. I just don't think I'm able to. I know we agreed to do this but after seeing her file I-"

"Jungkook it will be okay. This was her request and we should follow through with our promises. I know this will be hard but I really.. we all really want to do this" Namjoon puts a reassuring hand on Jungkook's shoulder and for the youngest with tears threatening to fall from his eyes to nod solemnly while looking down. "Get some sleep Kook, I'll see you tomorrow."

Silently Jungkook moves out from the stool back to the hallways to his room without a word leaving the leader alone in the silent night. Kook never liked to show his emotions, and when he did it was always around his leader hyung because he felt the most comfortable with him. Before Namjoon retired for the night, he couldn't help but reach out for the blue file on the counter. He opened it and couldn't help but sadly smile seeing two beautiful brown eyes and a gentle smile on the girls face.

Park Hana was diagnosed with an auto immune chronic condition. She was born in '95 much like his younger members and she had requested Wish Upon a Star foundation to grant her wish to meet Bangtan for the day. The more he read her file the harder it was to swallow. There were hundreds and thousands of people out there just like her who would suffer their whole lives out there. And if he could at least make one girl happy for a day he would. Bangtan immediately accepted the request when their managers brought it up upon a meeting days prior. Not one employee rejected the request.

With full resolve he closed the file, nearly blinking back tears letting a heavy breath out before returning to his bed.


Sounds of a loud doorbell echoed in the living quarters of bangtan. One by one each member starts opening their doors to their room, sleep evident in their eyes wondering who has come to disturb their minimal hours of rest.

Jin then proceeded to check the eye socket of the door and opened it immediately seeing their manager enter looking rather pale.

"Why, what happened?" Jin asks,  eyes now in full alert at his managers rush and expression.

"Joon, please wake up the others right now, I have an important announcement" Manager Sejin calls. As Namjoon immediately enters each quarters to wake up Yoongi and Taehyung.

"Aish what time is it" Yoongi groans, unaware to the situation.

"Hyung, why are you here so early?" Taehyung whines as he flops onto Jungkooks shoulders to steady his sleepy self.

From the looks of it, Jungkook, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin and Namjoon had worried expression and were ready to listen to their managers news.

"Today's visit to the hospital has been cancelled" Manager Sejin speaks up, seriousness in his voice. "We will have to reschedule another-"

"What happened Hyung?"

The maknae line started calling out suddenly making all sorts of noise before Namjoon shushes them up allowing Sejin to continue.

With a deep breath, "As I said, we will have to reschedule. Due to some unforeseen circumstances we are unable to visit her today. This was the hospitals decision and not ours to clarify, we had already everything planned to be delivered and ready for your arrival however we had to call it off suddenly. I hope you all will understand. You will have a day off today since it's a little last minute but the visit will be rescheduled to an appropriate date." Sejin concludes looking at the stunned faces of the boys. Most were disappointed while the others nodded in understanding.

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