Chapter 8

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Tae didn't know what to do, he ended up walking out of the hospital doors as he put his mask on and hood up, rushing out the front door to a nearby park. He knew this was dangerous as he could be recognized and swarmed but it was dark and only a few lamp posts lit up the path. The park was pretty empty so he continued until he found a bench to sit at not too far. With a deep breath and head in his hands he let his tears fall. He felt someone approach and sit next to him on the bench, but he knew exactly who it was going to be.

"Hyung, what do I do.. She must hate me now." Tae heaved "I made her hate us!"

Jin just wrapped a protective arm around Tae reassuring him.

"I need you to fill me in Tae, but I'm sure it'll be okay"

"I spoke about the group photo, for our twitter but I didn't realize how it might have sounded to her before it was too late. I didn't realize it sounded like we were just using her for publicity" Tae continued to rant. Jin was kind of relieved that there were not pedestrians nearby to see a boy broken down by the park. But he was relieved that the youngest could get things out before it festered.

"It's okay Tae, it was just a misunderstanding. We can fix it. Okay?" He leant down and smiled at Tae. "We all know at the bottom of our hearts that we weren't forced into this. We, and especially you. We know that you wanted to be with her longer and definitely not for the reasons for publicity so it will be alright." he pat the boys head keeping his hands there.

"Do you think we can still see her?" Tae looked up at Jin, and with a sad smile his hyung only nodded. He wasn't sure what the situation was with the rest of the group still at the hospital but he could only hope.

"Either way, I'm sure she wouldn't be heartless to just shut us out without a proper explanation. I'm sure Namjoon would handle this sincerely." Jin pat Tae on the shoulder. "Come on, we should head back. They will be looking for us."

"I'm so sorry hyung, I didn't mean to cause any problems to all of you" Tae wipes his eyes and looked up at his hyung sincerely.

"I know Tae, I'm sure it will all be okay." He pat the boys head again before he felt his pocket vibrate. It was Namjoon calling him.

"Yeah Joon?" He answered earning a curious Tae to try to listen in.

"Ah I see.. okay, we'll meet you at the front" he hung up looking at Tae with a small smile. "Let's go they're waiting for us"

Tae heard the conversation and just held his head low, pulling his hood back over his eyes as he walked with Jin towards the van waiting for them at the entrance of the hospital. He knew she needed some time after what happened between them, so he didn't question about the sudden call to return home. He just hoped she could forgive him but he couldn't erase her face with tears and pure hurt in her eyes when he saw her. He couldn't help but blame himself.

"Uhm.. how can I contact them to tell them everything's alright?" Hana questioned laying tucked into her hospital bed after her checkup.

"Their manager left his number with us. Would you like me to speak to them?" Sena offered pulling the sheets up above Hana's nose, just as she liked.

"No, I think I should talk to them. I should apologize to Tae for how I reacted and assumed." She nuzzled her sheet with her nose and looked up at Sena. "Tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow. Now get some rest Hana" Sena pet Hana's head gently before leaving.

"Goodnight and Thank you" Hana called earning a smile and a goodnight from Sena before she was completely alone in her room again. She closed her eyes and thought about her day, smiling at the silly moments and bickers she had with the boys. The time she destroyed Jungkook in a 1v1 on overwatch, and how Jin had made her so many delicious foods for dinner, and how could she forget how kind, thoughtful and caring they were to her. She had just realized that all the presents she received were already on display on her shelves and clothes kept away only til she found a small long box placed on her computer desk with a purple ribbon wrapped around it and a card below. She didn't remember that being there nor did she remember opening a present that small.

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