Chapter 33

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In the middle of the night, Jin left his room to get a glass of water only to find Hana in the kitchen too.

"Oh! you surprised me." She chuckled holding her chest.

"Getting a glass of water too?" He smiled at her as she nodded and wiggled the glass in hand.

"Yeah I realized I didn't drink much water today, I should take better care of myself when I'm out." She smiled sipping on her cup.

Jin went around the counter to pour his own cup. "Did you have a good night?" He asked nervously, unsure what to say to the girl.

"Yeah, Kookie and I managed to finish the game. Then we played some Mario kart with the others." She smiled widely to herself at the memory. "What were you and the rest doing? Only Hobi came to join us."

Jin choked in surprise before recovering, Hana was quick to rub his back gently to ease his coughs. He found the gesture endearing. "I just spoke to Namjoon for a while, then we watched a bit of the news and headed to bed, we were both tired. This entire few weeks have been extremely tiring." He sighed but smiled down at her. "I'm sorry we haven't spent much time together Hana."

She waved her arms in front of her like she usually did when she denied something and he found it extremely adorable when she did. "Oh no no! Don't worry, all of you are really busy and I don't expect any of you to choose to spend time with me whenever you're free." She chuckled. Humbled by this he reached out and pat her head gently.

"You're a very sweet girl Hana. No wonder all my maknae's love you so much." He pet her hair gently. Her cheeks were getting a little pink, she hadn't spoken to Jin much at all but his voice was very soothing to hear and he had very kind gestures.

"Aren't you tired Oppa? You should go back to bed." She spoke softly avoiding eye contact with him which he could visibly see. He smiled to himself before leaning down to her eye level, resting his chin on his hands right in front of hers and now she couldn't avoid looking at him. Their eyes locked and he could visibly see her flushed cheeks now, his throat rumbled in a little chuckle seeing her expression.

"O-Oppa?" She stuttered, confused by his actions, unsure what to do, but she couldn't pull away. He just observed her for a little before pecking her button nose with a quick kiss; he pulled away and ruffled her hair messily.

"Hey!" She called, flustered.

"Sleep well Hana." Was the last she heard before he walked away.

"Ah Oppa you left your—" the door clicked signaling he was gone, "glass of water." She finished. She paused for a bit before she was full blown blushing.

Did Jin just— did he just—

She ruffled her own hair and downed the rest of her glass before getting up quick and running back to the room with the others, flopping down into the mattress shared between Jungkook and Taehyung as they were sound asleep. She bundled up and covered herself with the blanket wondering if she could even fall asleep.

Back in Jin's room he too ruffled his hair but laughed to himself.

I can see why the others are so smitten with her and we haven't personally spent the day together.

He gripped his chest as his heart thudded loudly.

"Aish" he flopped on his bed and stared at the ceiling. "We're in big trouble."

Hana woke up tangled up in some arms and legs, unsure where she was for a moment. She had a good sleep last night surprisingly, unsure why she hesitated to stay over but it was really fun and worth it. She smiled at her memories of yesterday until one dawned upon her, Jin kissed her nose. Her eyes now shot open, she looked to her left and right and all she saw was Taehyung and Kookie fast asleep beside her.

She attempted to get up but she forgot she was being shackled by Taehyung's arms and legs. He hugged her like a pillow, Jungkook turned over to face her, his eyes slowly blinking open while a sleepy smile formed on his face.

"Morning Noona." He mumbled before closing his eyes again, snuggling closer to her. She was stuck. Looking at the clock on the wall, she was relieved it was still too early to wake, deciding it be best to just sleep in a little longer.

"Hana, we have to get up now." A voice sweetly sang as she groaned and stretched like a cat squealing a little while she did so.

"Aha cute" another voice spoke.

"Hana, breakfast is ready." She slowly blinked her eyes focusing. Jimin hovered above her, Hobi next to him.

"Morning" she yawned and sat up, seeing Taehyung and Jungkook still passed out next to her until she felt Tae shift a little.

"You can use our bathroom to freshen up, theres a spare toothbrush in there ready. Take a shower if you'd like too." Jimin smiled at her. "Do you need some help up?" She nodded while he offered his arm for her to take. Getting up she felt that same uncomfortable feeling in her lower abdomen again, groaning in the process.

"Hana?" Hobi noticed. "Is everything okay?" He worriedly put his arm around her to steady her. Jimin too was worried if he had done something wrong.

"Yeah, I just feel something weird here. Probably just a cramp." She motioned to her lower abdomen. By this time the two knocked out maknae's were up and concerned. "I'm fine guys don't worry." She smiled, fully standing up as Jimin and Hobi slowly let her go.

"Are you sure?" They fussed.

"Really I'm alright I promise." She chuckled and hopped once in her spot and turned around. "See? As good as new" she grinned. "I'll go freshen up, see you at breakfast!" She bounded to the bathroom, closing the door.

The four boys looked at each other in concern.

"You think we should tell Namjoon hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Noona promised she was fine though." Jungkook spoke. "I mean she wouldn't lie to us about something like that right?" He reasoned and they all nodded.

"Yeah you're right Kook, we don't want to cause unnecessary alarm." Hobi pat the boys shoulder. "Alright, you two need to get ready too." He spoke before walking off with Jimin back to the living room, the others parted to their rooms to get ready too.

A/N: hello! Just some little fun facts:

- Hana = flower (you probably knew this)

- 'The truth Untold' = song features the smeraldo flower and a sad story (you can look it up it's too long to explain haha) you should read the lyrics, its a big part in the story when it comes to the feeling and emotions.

- the flower Hobi gave her is a fictional flower too (similar looking to the smeraldo)

- Young forever plays a very big part in this story too ! So if you listen to that song and read the book, it's also where I draw a lot of inspiration and feeling from.

Again, thank you for reading ! And don't forget to vote on your favorite chapters 💜

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