Chapter 41

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The night before

"Hey Kook, do you like Hana." Yoongi spoke nonchalantly as if it was nothing, he leaned against Jungkook's bedroom door frame with crossed arms and his usual deadpan expression.

Jungkook was shocked, his mouth hung open with wide eyes, this was so sudden, but he quickly closed it and nodded.

Yoongi sighed and brushed some fingers through his hair, while he licked his bottom lip. "Alright, I think we need to all have a talk." He got up and went to the other rooms to get everyone, Jungkook then followed them out to the living room where they all sat around.

"Everything alright Yoongi hyung?" Namjoon questioned. Yoongi just sighed even more and leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I called you out here because I believe there's something important we should all address." He looked around, all of them were confused besides Jungkook who looked down shyly.

Jimin nudged Jungkook's side whispering, "is this what I think it's about?" Jungkook could only nod, Jimin now had a serious face on, he stayed close to the maknae.

"So, how many of you have already fallen in love with Hana."

Yoongi mentioned the elephant in the room, something that all of them vaguely knew about each other but never addressed besides Jungkook and Jimin.

Each of them darted their eyes around to each other, afraid to raise their hands but Jungkook and Jimin raised theirs slowly, the others gulped and did the same after a while. Now all of them had their hands raised but Yoongi.

"Shit." Yoongi swore silently. It was worse than he thought, the others were shocked too as they observed each other but Jungkook and Jimin were serious.

"All of you know what this means right." He continued, "all of you need to stop loving her this instant."

"Hyung I can't do that—!" Jungkook piped up in retaliation.

"—You Can't be in love with her!" Yoongi raised his voice cutting in.

It silenced the room, it was something rare that he didn't usually do, and it scared all of them. Jimin tried pulling him back to stop him but Jungkook didn't care, the anger that was boiling inside him grew. He broke out of Jimin's grip and rushed to Yoongi, pinning him against the wall with force, his fist gripping the front of his shirt roughly.

"Why do you want us to stop loving her?So you can have her all to yourself?!" Jungkook's eyes were wide with rage, Yoongi's stare however was not letting up. The boys were scrambling to break them up but Namjoon stopped them from trying to.

"No you fucking idiot!" Yoongi gritted his teeth, his eyes now brimming with tears, it took Jungkook off guard for a moment as he released his tight grip of his shirt.


Yoongi shouted right in his face, tears now streaming's down in full force, something No one has ever seen in their life of knowing Yoongi.

Everyone's breath was caught in their throats, Jungkook slowly stepped back, releasing his hyung.

"I know that hyung. I know she's going to leave us—"

Jungkook stumbled and choked on his words, gripping his fist tightly.

"I know we shouldn't love her but I just can't—!" He looked back up at Yoongi, tears were running down his face too.

"You love her too don't you! And can you stop?!"

Jungkook shouted at Yoongi, Jimin went to Jungkook and quickly hugged the boy from behind as Jungkook crumbled onto his knees crying out, unable to stand anymore.

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