Chapter 48

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The glimmering lights and sounds of the crowds get louder by second, she couldn't believe she was here. The numerous smells filled her lungs, the freshly popped popcorn, the cotton candy stands, street food lined the entranceway. Not to mention the fairy lights that illuminated the place, a giant Ferris wheel, much bigger than she thought from her window stood grand in the center of the fair. Screams, laughs, chatter, it was everything she ever thought coming to the Summer faire would be.

Hobi observed the girl's face as her eyes twinkled with the lights. A perpetual look of awe, like a kiss first visit to a candy store. He wheeled her slowly, to take in the sights, leaning in, next to her ear he spoke.

"First time?" He questioned.

She was still lost in a trance as she just nodded. Suddenly something caught her eye in one of the stands.

"What's that?" She pointed to a booth.

"Thats what you call a waste of money Hana, those vendors never let you win their games." He grimaced at the booth under his mask. It was one of those shooting booths where you had to topple all the cups with a single shot.

"I want to try it!" She gleamed up at him excited. How could he say no to a face like that.

"Alright, let's go" he chuckled and pushed her wheelchair there. Hobi was right, with her in her wheelchair and him covered up. No one bothered them, in fact people were kind and would make way for them.

"Hello there little miss! Willing to play a game?" The vendor spoke. "You can win any of these prizes if you manage to knock the cups down in one shot!" He leans closer to 'whisper', "but you can do it in three just for you young miss." He winked at her.

She looks up at Hobi, a wide smile plastered on her face. "You hear that Hobi! Oh I really want to try it, pleaseeeeee my purse is in the back of the chair."

Hobi just chuckled, taking his wallet from his back pocket and payed the man.

"Hobi! You didn't have to pay for it!" She looked up at him and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well I can't let you pay on your first faire visit?" He leans in close to her ear again whispering, "consider it a date." His voice was an octave lower.

She was screaming in her head, she only ever heard Hobi's voice like that when he rapped and that was too attractive for her to handle.

"Alright little miss, do you know how to shoot thi—"


She immediately knocked down all the cups with a single shot, surprising not just the vendor but Hobi too.

Unknown to Hobi she was still freaking out in her head about what he just said.

"Uh-wow! Congrats miss! You can pick anything you want here!" The vendor was trying to recover from his shock.

"Can I have that one please?" She pointed to a very familiar plush, it was large and the vendor placed it in her lap.

"Thank you for coming little miss and enjoy the faire!" He said.

She finally looked up at Hobi who was just amazed.

"Hana! What the—" he jumped up and down trying to express what just happened.
"Hana that was so cool!" He pat her shoulder a few times before giving her a big thumbs up. He looked at her in just pure admiration.

She couldn't help but laugh as he lifted up the plush toy to him. "When you get back to the dorm, could you give this to Yoongi for me?" She smiled from behind the big plush. It was a big Kumamon bear, though she loved it too, she knew Yoongi would love it more.

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