Chapter 35

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A/N: I hope you don't mind this books going to be pretty long. I want to develop the characters and relationships and that takes some time.

Thank you again for reading !

"It seems he has fractured his wrist and needed a few stitches " the doctor spoke, "but it shouldn't take long to recover, just a cast but you can still properly move your arm." This news relieved Jungkook, Namjoon and manager Sejin whom was now with them. "You must have punched the wall pretty hard." The doctor quirked an eyebrow at the boy. Jungkook flushed a little and nodded.

"Thank you so much Dr. Jaehyun." Sejin got up and shook his hand. "And thank you for agreeing to not release this to the public."

"It's no problem sir, these two and along with the others have been too good to my sister, it's the least I could do." Dr Jaehyun smiled kindly. Namjoon looked up at Jaehyun in surprise.

"Wait you're her brother?" Namjoon asked before seeing Jaehyun's nametag, Park Jaehyun. It finally dawned on him that it was in plain sight. Jungkook already knew about this.

"Adopted brother, but brother none the less." Jaehyun chuckled. "She was the reason why I wanted to be a doctor, well one of my reasons."

Jungkook was in awe, "Thank you Dr Jaehyun." He got up and bowed, Namjoon did the same.

"Oh no please! I'm glad you're alright Jungkook." He pat his shoulder. "I should be thanking all of you for making my sister so happy." He grinned at them.

"Speaking of which, do you mind if we ask how she's doing?" Namjoon spoke, concerned since he only got vague information from the nurse when he called the hospital.

Jaehyun smiled sadly, "her internal bleeding started again but it was mild. We needed to check whether everything was fine internally and it seems her body rejected her new kidney for a bit. She's fine now though, her abdomen just hurts again but she should heal fine after a few days of rest." He gave a reassuring smile.

Looking at his clipboard of Jungkook's condition he nodded. "Alright, I believe Jungkook here needs some rest. We'll need to monitor him overnight and change his bandages."

"Alright, see you tomorrow Kook. Are you sure you'll be alright here?" Namjoon pulled him into a hug, careful of his hand and wrist.

"I'm sure hyung, thanks again. Tell Hobi and the others I'm sorry too." Namjoon pat his back one last time before Sejin came to give the maknae a hug.

"Don't worry about your schedule Kook, I've given you some time off."

"Thank you hyung." Jungkook smiled, appreciative of the people around him.

Namjoon and Sejin then took their leave, leaving Jungkook In the hospital room alone with Jaehyun.

"Dr Jaehyun, please don't tell Hana about this." Jungkook suddenly pleaded, taking Jaehyun aback. He just chuckled in response.

"Don't worry Jungkook, I wasn't planning on it. She'd worry and insist on coming here to see you."

"Yeah you're right." Jungkook smiled at the idea, she would probably be extremely worried for him.

"Though, I'm impressed Jungkook. This is the first time someone's ever broken their wrist while punching a wall." He raised his eyebrows at the boy.

Jungkook flushed, embarrassed. "I may have hit the wall a little too hard." He mumbled.

"Is it wrong for me to ask why?" Jaehyun sat calmly in his chair.

Jungkook didn't know whether he should answer until the thoughts of why he did it in the first place rushed through his head again. He was calmer this time but he still had to bite back some tears. He hesitated, having a hard time speaking about it or looking up at Jaehyun in the eyes.

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