Chapter 69

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"Oh? Jimin?" Jin peeked his his head around the corner. "You're back early."

Jimin smiled up at Jin from Taehyungs shoulder, Taehyung wasn't letting go.
"Hey hyung." He greeted.

"Are you hungry? I'm making Tae some Japchae." Jin kindly asked.

"Jimin hyung?" Jungkook came around the corner to see the commotion.

"Hey Kook." Jimin smiled widely to see him. In fact he was happy to see some of the members here to greet him home. He was worried he'd come home to an empty house. "That would be nice hyung, thank you." Jimin nodded towards Jin.

Jin happily made his way back to the kitchen leaving them be to let the maknae's bond again.

"Taehyung-ya, you can let go now." Jimin chuckled, patting Taehyungs back gently. Taehyung just shook his head that was buried in Jimins shoulder.

Jimin chuckled again and sighed, looking up at the maknae just standing there. He opened his arms.

"Want to join Kook?" Jimin asked semi jokingly but to his surprise, Jungkook made his way and engulfed the both of them.


He missed Jimin, and he missed Taehyung too. He missed all three of them together again, he didn't feel so alone. They hugged and stayed like that for a while.

Shortly after they heard a voice from behind them. "Huh? Jimin, when did you get back?" Namjoon called from the hallway outside. An injured Hobi hobbling between him and Yoongi.

All three maknae's were so lost in their hug they hadn't heard the elevator doors opening. They looked up surprised to see them.

"Hobi Hyung! What happened?" Jimin asked breaking apart from their reunion. Both Taehyung and Jungkook were also worried seeing their hyung. They quickly brought Jimin's luggage in and made way for them.

Once they all entered and manage to settle Hobi on the couch gently, they gathered around. Even Jin who was cooking was concerned seeing Hobi's state.

"Joon? What happened?" He asked from the kitchen.

The maknae's gathered pillows and made sure his foot was cushioned and their hyung was comfortable before they all settled into the couches around.

Namjoon sighed before speaking. "Hobi hyung was pushing himself too hard and managed to injure his heel badly. He's lucky that I went to look for him." Namjoon rubbed his forehead, the stress getting to him.

"Hyung you have to be more careful!" Jimin said, his voice laced with concern. He was his roommate but he was also one of his best friends. Jimin was upset he wasn't around.

"It's okay Jimin, I'm alright. I'm sorry for worrying everyone." Hobi apologized and smiled assuringly at his roommate.

"Hyung, you need to be careful. Are you able to dance still?" Jungkook asked, concern lacing his voice.

Hobi nodded his head, "Jaehyun said I need to rest and recover for a while. Absolutely no pressure on the foot but I should be able to get back to dancing." He smiled sadly, "I have to thank Joon for telling me off to take it easy. If I had been doing what I usually did I would have injured myself even worse." He furrowed his eyebrows, thinking of the possibility of that happening and ruining his career. He didn't like that idea at all.

They all thought the same, it was like a wake up call to them that they needed to take care of themselves better, unlike how they were doing thus far.

"I'm just glad we're all back together again." Taehyung announced, a small smile playing on his lips as the others nodded agreeing.

Jin watched the scene before him, it had been a while since all of them gathered together in the living room. It was usually a common occurrence before Hana's death.

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