Chapter 44

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Music filled the halls again, Hana had returned to playing the piano, practicing as it was the best was to exercise her fingers. She was happy she could still remember the songs she recently learned since everything was purely by ear and memory. The halls felt a little more peaceful and quieter when she played since people would stop and listen.

Suddenly her phone rang, breaking her attention away. She finally remembered to bring it with her today, usually she'd be scolded by one of the boys after for not picking up the phone, or she'd return to a phone filled with a spam of texts.

"Hello?" She answered too quick to even check the caller ID.

"Hana! How're you today princess" A sweet bubbly voice spoke, she already knew who it was.

"Hi Jin Oppa" she giggled, "I'm doing well, just playing some piano."

"And you play beautifully Hana." He replied. She thought for a moment confused, she only thought Yoongi had heard her play before.

"Uhm, thank you." She finally answered. Shortly after a knock sounded on the music room door surprising her. Pulling the phone down she called.

"Come in!"

Wondering who it could be, a tall man with broad shoulders entered a phone to his ear, he greeted her.

"Hi Hana." Jin smiled lowering the phone, the girl was in shock. "Surprise?" He opened his arms in gesture.

"Jin Oppa? You didn't tell me you were coming." She smiled widely.

"I mean, what's the point of a surprise if I told you." He chuckled his window wiper laugh that she adored so dearly. "Hope I didn't disturb you." He motioned to the piano.

"Oh no no!" She quickly lowered the piano cover. "I was just—" she fumbled with her words, "just practicing."

"May I?" He indicated to share the seat.

"Of course." She scooted to her left, as he opened the piano lid again, settling into the seat with her. "Do you play oppa?" She asked, curious.

He didn't answer her and just began playing slow melodic chords, she was familiar with the sound, and it was beautiful so she just closed her eyes, smiled and listened, appreciating the sounds, hearing the twinkle of the higher keys as part of the melody accompanied by the deeper sounds. Soon after, Jin's voice joined in, an artistic melodic masterpiece. He played her 'Epiphany', his latest solo piece.

Soon after she joined in to sing with him, harmonizing. He smiled widely hearing her beautiful voice match his so well, as the song came to an end he angled himself to the left, the two of them smiling at each other.

"You have a beautiful voice Hana." He sweetly said.

"Says the one that sings like an angel." She giggled. She felt Jin take hold of he hand in her lap, gently brushing his thumb against it tenderly. His other hand came up to brush the hair away from her cheek gently, her face feeling warm to the touch.

"We're so happy to see you with so much energy again. You have no idea how worried we all were." He smiled sadly at her, trying to remember all her features.

"I'm doing alright Oppa, I worked really hard and seeing you all work hard, it motivated me to as well." She puffed up her cheeks and did a fist pump 'fighting!'

Jin bubbled up in laughter, she was just too adorable. "I'm glad Hana." He pet her head gently like a small animal.

"Actually I have something planned, if you're up for it" he winked at her making her giggle.

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