Chapter 34

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A/N: We passed 1k reads !!!! Aaaaaa I'm so happy, thank you so much everyone!

Comment which members interaction with Hana have you liked so far !  The member with the most votes will possibly be Hana's first kiss 😘

Borahae Saranghae 💜💜💜💜

Now get ready for a roller coaster of a chapter.

Mild violence warning.



Someone shouted, running through the hallways and nearly slipping rounding the corner startling Namjoon.

"What? What's wrong?"

"Hana hasn't replied me back since two days ago, I just thought maybe she left her phone somewhere again but it's been two days!" Jungkook had a worried expression on his face, Hana was his texting partner, they texted all the time exchanging memes and chatted about everything.

"Kook I'm sure she's probably forgot to charge her phone, it's happened before." He says calmly.

"Hyung, I even ordered and sent her fried chicken and she never called or messaged me back, there's something wrong." The maknae pleaded, there were tears forming in his eyes and Namjoon thought this was getting serious so he took out his phone dialing Sena's number.

After multiple rings it didn't go through so he tried the hospitals line instead.

"Hello? Can we please speak to Park Hana? She's a patient there." Namjoon looked up at his maknae who was eagerly waiting, his tears were threatening to fall.

"Kook what's wrong?" Jin asked and wrapped an arm around the boy.

"It's Hana, I think something's wrong." Kook looked down, not wanting to show his hyungs that he was crying while Jin pulled him into a hug.

"Is Hana alright?" Yoongi exited his room and was now amongst them, looking back and forth between Namjoon on the phone and crying jungkook with fearful eyes. He was thoroughly worried, gripping the hem of his shirt. No it's too early.

"Yes, yes thank you very much." Namjoon finally said after a while and hung up, looking down at the phone solemnly.

"You can all breathe, Hana's alright. There was just minor problems but she's stable and will be alright after a few days of rest." He spoke, smiling up at them.

"Thanks hyung." Kookie finally heaved out a relieved sigh and walked towards Namjoon to give him a hug.

"Get some rest Kook." Namjoon spoke, the maknae nodded and sniffed before turning back to his room.

"Alright tell use the truth Joon." Jin spoke, settling down on a chair, Yoongi had settled next to Namjoon in the lounge.

The two older ones could see through his lies, Namjoon wasn't the best at acting but it was somehow good enough to deceive Jungkook.

Sighing in defeat and pinching his the bridge of his nose with his fingers leaning forward, Namjoon spoke quiet enough so only the three could hear.

"She had an emergency surgery, a minor one this time but even then she suffered a lot. It was successful but they said she's getting weaker."

"Hyung I think the rest deserve the truth."  Yoongi spoke, his arms were folded and he was in deep thought.

"I agree with Yoongi, it's unfair to keep hiding things from them." Jin replied sadly.

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