Chapter 29

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A/N: sorry I warped the time of things around so it doesn't follow the actual BTS timeline, I've just chosen songs I personally enjoy and would suit this story!

Back at the studio, the remainder BTS boys were having recording sessions for their upcoming Solo's, Just minor tweaks here and there.

"I wish I could love myself"

Hobi, Taehyung and Jin fan chanted, "We love you!" From the recording room while Namjoon was fixing up his solo, 'Reflection.' They were laughing and being playful in the room while Namjoon had to attempt to focus, luckily the rooms were sound proof and all he could see were them causing a ruckus outside.

"You guys really are distracting."  Namjoon huffed, exiting the recording room.

"Hyung you sounded great, we also made your fan chant!" Hobi laughed before counting down.

"I wish I could love myself" Jin mimicked Namjoon.

"We love you!"

"I wish I could love myself"

"We love you!"

It was back and forth between Jin while Hobi and Taehyung followed after with the fan chant. They all bursted out laughing.

"See how perfect it is?!" Taehyung rolled over on the floor in a giggling mess.

Namjoon laughed along with them and pat Hobi's shoulder. "It really does fit! Thanks guys." He shook his head smiling. "Alright you're up next Hobi."

Hobi got up to record his part for 'Outro: Ego.' While the boys continued to talk and listen to each others recording, taking turns in the studio to fix up their songs with each others feedback.

"Where is Yoongi hyung?" Taehyung asked.

"I think he's in his studio making guides for our upcoming album." Namjoon replied, focusing on Hobi's rap. Pressing the button so that Hobi could hear he spoke, "That was good hyung, but maybe a little louder on this part—" Namjoon continued to help Hobi while Taehyung walked out to look for Yoongi.

Taehyung found Yoongi's studio and walked in.

"Are you doing the guide tracks?" Taehyung asked surprising his hyung.

"Aish! Knock the door next time." Yoongi gripped his chest and went back to his work. "Yeah but I'm having a hard time getting this part right. Trying to make a guide track for your ballad songs are definitely not my expertise." He sighed.

"Want me to help hyung?" Taehyung asked but Yoongi waved him off.

"It's alright I think I'll ask someone else to do it. It still needs some tweaks here and there and you guys are too busy to do it." Yoongi spoke and Taehyung nodded in understanding. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door.

"Come in." Yoongi spoke, Jimin poked his head in.

"Ah.. I thought your studio would be empty." He disappointedly said.

"Why, what's up?" Yoongi asked before Jimin opened the door wide and in came Hana.

"Hana!" Taehyung jumped up from his seat and quickly ran over to hug her.

"Hi Tae" she giggled into the hug. "Hi Yoongi Oppa" she smiled at him sweetly while she hugged Taehyung.

"Hi Hana." Yoongi smiled at her back making Jimin smirk.

"Someone's happy to see Hana." Jimin teased his hyung while Yoongi just swatted his hand away, Jimin only chuckled more.

"So what are you guys doing here? Thought you had the day of." Yoongi cut in, Taehyung was now just hugging Hana from behind, his arms around her shoulders while he held her close. Their height difference was cute.

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