Chapter 57

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The sky was getting darker and the crowds were getting bigger, Hana had returned to the makeshift green room to rest for a bit with Sena and Jungkook while some of the boys continued to either practice or mingle with the other idols who were performing that night. Hana was taking a well needed nap on one of the couches in Jungkooks lap, he never left her side as Sena watched over the girl, she coughed a little in her sleep and Jungkook was growing a little concerned. He pulled a blanket further onto Hana's shoulders to make sure she was warm and gently stroke her hair while she slept.

"Is Hana doing alright?" Hobi came in to check on her, they didn't want to make a lot of noise while she slept.

Jungkook nodded and stroked Hana's hair. Initially Hana retaliated in taking a nap in her beautiful outfit and hair but she really needed it. Sena had noticed she was looking rather fatigued from all the excitement, next thing she knew, Hana was passed out.

"Sena Noona, it's okay I can watch her for a bit. Why don't you enjoy the Summer Faire?" Jungkook kindly offered Sena.

"Well, I guess a short break would be alright; I need to stretch my legs for a bit. Thank you Jungkook, call me if anything alright?" She sighed and got up.

"Of course Noona. I'll be here to watch over her til you're back." He grinned up at her. Waving her goodbye as she left the room.

"Kook, I'm going to check out the faire too, did you want anything ? Food ? Snacks?" Hobi offered but the maknae declined. This was a surprise to Hobi, usually he'd never decline to eat anything.

"I'm alright here hyung, enjoy yourself." Jungkook nodded. Hobi just shrugged and walked out, greeting some friends who passed by before the door closed behind him leaving Jungkook alone with Hana.

He just continued to stroke her hair, hearing her soft snores. Things were going to be hectic for them soon, and he wanted to do anything to just spend a moment with her alone while he still could. She started to cough again causing her to stir in her sleep a little, this time it was a lot longer and it worried her greatly. She shifted and looked up at him, eyes blinking, trying to adjust to the brightness of the lights.

"Kookie..?" She groaned, still half asleep.

"Noona, are you alright? Do you need some water?" He fussed over her and looked into her eyes to see if she was in any pain or discomfort.

"Yeah, some water would be nice, thanks Kookie." She rolled a little so he could help sit her up next to him. He helped move her legs to a sitting position, and he was really upset over the fact that she now couldn't walk. She was noticeably getting much weaker than before and It made him worry for her even more.

"Here, you can lean on me if you're too tired." He pulled her closer and she laid her head on his shoulder, her eyes still shut from the exhaustion. While he helped unscrew the bottle of water for her she spoke.

"My hair probably looks like a mess and my clothes are probably all crumpled now." She pouted to herself, wallowing in her own self pity.

He chuckled a little, "Hana, you look beautiful as always, Jihye Noona can always fix it for you later, here have a drink." He handed her a bottle, making sure she had a firm grasp on it before letting go.

She drank slowly but nearly choked as she went into another coughing fit.

"Hana!" He quickly rubbed her back before reaching for his phone until a hand stopped him.

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