Chapter 40

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"Hmm, it seems like your body is taking well to these new stitches. I'll have to continue to use them." Dr Jaehyun hummed to himself as he wrote on his clipboard.

"Oppa, it's helping me recover much faster." She excitedly smiled up at him earning a chuckle from the male. He tapped his pen lightly on the board in concentration.

"Unfortunately your strength still hasn't returned, we'll have to start you on physiotherapy as soon as possible, we don't want your body to forget it's own movements and balance." He nodded seriously as he continued to write.

She sighed sadly and nodded slightly. Unfortunately it really was true, she could barely move a muscle. Her hands and legs were extremely weak and she was losing muscle rapidly. But being the optimistic girl she was she was determined to get better.

"Oppa, even if I have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life, I'm just happy to still be able to enjoy things even without using my legs." She smiled up at him. Her older brother truly didn't deserve such a sweet sister like her. He asked himself everyday why did a girl as kind, caring and sweet as her have to be taken away. A girl her age should be out with friends, finding love and living life to its fullest. But she was stuck here, in this stuffy hospital just waiting til day she wouldn't be able to function anymore. He gripped his clipboard tightly unknowingly.

"Oppa, you seem more tired lately." She frowned looking up at him concerned breaking him from his thoughts. She noticed the dark circles under his eyes and hazy gaze.

"Oh I've just got lots of new patients recently, it's a hard job Hana." He chuckled and ruffled her hair gently. He lied, he had been staying up for nights in the labs with other doctors and working with others overseas to help discover a cure for this rare disease that she and hundreds of others had. He worked tirelessly everyday and was determined to do anything to help his little sister. He had to.

"Alright, I'll get Sena to come in and then we can start working on your physio okay little flower?" He got up from his seat and pulled her in to kiss the top of her head gently.

"Okay Oppa." She softly said, smiling up at him. "Come visit me more okay? I miss you.." she pouted earning a chuckle from him.

"Are you sure you miss me with all your new boyfriends?" He teased smirking widely at her and she scoffed, blushing. He knew she wasn't able to throw a pillow at him this time but he couldn't help but tease her regardless. "Love you!" He shouted before leaving, she laughed and shouted back too.

"Love you too!" Knowing he heard her from the hallway.

Sena entered her room shortly after. "Alright, let's get you up and ready young lady." She wheeled her chair in and got her ready to start her long Physio sessions.

"Sena just said Hana is going to start physio today." Namjoon explained to the boys while he looked at his messages. Sena updates him on the regular about Hana's progress, he was very thankful for it. They were all taking a rest from dancing, except for Jungkook who only watched.

Yesterday he tried to be a hero and lift Hana from her bed but ended up straining his wrist again. He thought he could do it easily regardless. He hadn't worn a sling when he saw her to not cause a fuss, he didn't want her to worry. After the visit with Hana he dropped by to see Dr Jaehyun before they left.

Unfortunately for him he had heard quite a mouthful from Jaehyun for doing something he wasn't supposed to, but he was thanked in the end for wanting to help Hana out. Sadly, he had to listen to his doctor and he wouldn't be off his sling for a while.

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