Chapter 65

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Namjoon was concerned for Hobi, he couldn't get his mind off the fact that he was sure to push himself over the edge if he kept this up and seriously injure himself.

"Jin, I'm going to check on something. I'll be right back." He rushed leaving Jin confused.

He arrived at Big hit moments later, the paparazzi and reporters still hadn't diminished as security helped push his way into the company.

"RM! Just one question!"

"Is it true a family member passed away?"

"RM Look here!"

He drowned out all the sounds and kept walking, he would deal with that later. Something didn't feel right in him so he walked faster.

Studio 1

Studio 2

He counted in his head, it wasn't this floor so he went up a floor and heard the familiar playlist booming from one of the doors, how the hell was Hobi not deaf yet was a miracle.

He banged on the door. "Hyung?"

The music still played loudly and Namjoon lost his patience and decided to enter on his own. He scanned the room confused before he found him.

"Hyung!" He shouted and ran over to Hobi. He was in a heap on the floor passed out. The music was blaring in his ears and he couldn't think so he quickly scanned the room to find Hobi's phone on the floor not too far away. He quickly grabbed it and pulled the music to a stop. He then started dialing for emergency services but a hand caught his wrist.

"Joon, I'm fine." Hobi looked up at him with glazed eyes.

"No Hobi, you're not fine." Namjoon voiced putting his phone to his ear.

"Hyung, I'm alright. I just need someone to check my heel." Hobi insisted, "If we call an ambulance it's going to cause more problems, the press are still out there." He reasoned.

Namjoon thought for a while and quickly hung up. "You're right. We'll just drive you to the hospital—"

"— I cant go to the hospital!" Hobi shouted taking Namjoon by surprise.

Hobi bit his quivering lip, "I can't go in without thinking of her." He choked.

Namjoon could only empathize greatly, he too realized he couldn't face those familiar halls without the presence of that particular someone.

"Alright, I'll call Sejin hyung to get a doctor in. Just please, no more of this." Namjoon pleaded.

Hobi understood. He understood he was being a burden for Namjoon and for the group so he agreed he had to stop.

"I'm sorry Joon. I promise not to do this again." He looked up at his leader, finally a genuine smile on his face.

Namjoon smiled back, grateful to have Hobi back.

"Let's get you up bud."

It was late at night and Jimin couldn't sleep, he thought maybe it would be better in the comforts of his home, far away, but it didn't feel any different.

He wept into his sheets, the feeling of her still right at his fingertips. He couldn't escape it. He scrunched the fabric that hovered his heart.

Please let this be a dream.

He pleaded and pleaded every night, he thought when the new day dawned that things were back to how they used to be but then he was instantly reminded of her absence when he woke.

"Jimin dear..?" A knock on the door made him freeze up. It was his mother, "Jimin love, what's wrong?" Her eyebrows were knitted in concern. She could hear his cries and she couldn't sleep.

"Eomma please, not now." Jimin pleaded, his voice muffled by the bedsheets.

She slowly made her way in and he could feel the bed dip as she sat right beside him.

"Eomma made you some honey ginger tea." She placed it on his bedside, it was something she always did for him as a kid when he was unwell.

"Eomma I'm not sick." He still covered his face with the blanket.

"I know, but Eomma cares about you." She smiled sadly, brushing his hair gently.

He slowly pulled the blanket down to reveal his tear stained face, remnants of his cry still evident in his voice.

"Thank you." He whispered.

She smiled sadly, relieved he was finally showing his face to her. She reached out and brushed a tear of his face.

"Jimin, Eomma is worried about you. Jihyun and appa too. Please tell us or we can't help you."

"It's hard to talk about.." he softly said, sniffing.

"Then take all the time you need dear, we're not going anywhere." She continued to pat his hair gently.

After a long silence, Jimin knew he had to get it out.

"Eomma I— I fell in love with someone." He confessed, he waited for her reaction but she just waited for him to continue nodding so he could carry on. "She was this really amazingly sweet and caring girl. She always put others happiness before hers and she—" he couldn't help but chuckle a bit at his memory of her. "She was very clumsy and silly but she smiled every day no matter what."

"She sounds like a lovely girl Jimin." His mum smiled endearingly at him.

"But Eomma, she was.. she was really sick." He bit his lip to stop himself from tearing up. "She had a chronic illness and eventually she—" he couldn't hold back the tears anymore his head hurt from the pain of his last memories of her as he cried, his mum pulled him into a tight hug.

"It's okay dear, let it out." Her voice faltered, she too had tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry dear.."

"I'm so so sorry.."


"Please save them."

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