Chapter 10

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, tbh I honestly didn't have any idea what to write next, I'm terrible.. haha

"We're home" the three boys called as they entered back into their shared apartment in central Seoul. Namjoon was seated in the living room couch watching television with Jin and Hobi, they guessed Tae was in his room playing games.

"How was your day hyung?" Hoseok called out, eyes still fixated on the television.

"Ah.." Yoongi sighed.

"Hyung ended up wasting the day by just napping" Jimin piped up, causing the three to turn around to face them.

"You wasted an entire free day with her to nap?" Jin was baffled.

"I didn't intend to but, she was the one that told me I needed sleep. She offered her bed so I ended up falling asleep next to her."

"You SLEPT WITH HER?!" Hobi's voice was getting loud causing Tae to bust open his bedroom door.

"You WHAT?" Tae must have been listening into the conversation. Yoongi was just trying to block one of his ears grimacing in irritation of all the loud shouting.

"Yah yah, it wasn't like that. We just fell asleep. I think she needed it too, I could see bags under her eyes when I arrived. I guess she didn't sleep well but when we napped, she looked like she finally got some sleep. So maybe it was worth it in the end." He explained to them all, the two Maknae's that joined him for dinner just allowed him to explain to the rest as they already knew the story. The boys seemed satisfied with the explanation. Anything to help Hana out would be worth it in any way, however some of them felt a faint flame in their heart. We're they maybe mildly jealous?

"Anyway, I'm going to get some rest." Jimin goes to retire in his shared room with Hobi.

"Yeah I'm tired" Jungkook goes back to his own room too. Leaving the rest to loiter in the living room.

"It's late, we all have a morning practice but after I may have some time to spare to see Hana. I have an idea for her I'm wondering if all of you would chip into it." Namjoon called the boys together to explain his plan, earning bids of agreement and excited smiles.

"We'll tell the other two tomorrow at practice." He concludes before they disperse back to their rooms for the night.

That night Yoongi laid awake in bed longer than he would have wanted. His mind was occupied with work but the minute he thought back to today's events, he couldn't help but smile to himself and curl on his left side, imagining if Hana was missing his presence too.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter !

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