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The winds are chilly, the sky is clear no cloud in sight. The trees are still bare as the world is completing another cycle around the sun.

It is a new year, a new era for the boys of BTS. The media was cleared of any suspicions and their true story came out. Namjoon explained their true reason for their absence and made sure him and the boys gave respects to Hana's life, and her family.

To their surprise, they received an unimaginable amount of love from their fans and from the world when word got out. During one of their concerts, their fans even sang them 'Young forever' and sang together 'The Truth Untold' after it leaked that Hana did the music guide for it, and that made them so incredibly touched all of them nearly cried.

Jimin even got the words 'Young forever' tattooed at the back of his elbows, to symbolize how much being in BTS means to them. They became an even bigger international sensation and there was no stopping them, they worked hard and enjoyed their lives.

Though today, and for many years to come, they will always come back to Seoul to one place.

It was a beautiful day as the wind ruffled their hair for various colors, their puffer jackets swapped out for long coats as the sun shining down warmed the day. They walked down a beautiful path, one that was barren during winter but surrounded by a field of white flowers that bloomed together during spring. At the end stood large lone tree, and their destination.

All the boys gathered, each had bouquets in hand. One by one they placed them on the ground near the base of the tree.

Hobi was the last to do so, when he placed his familiar bouquet of pink and white tulips.

"Pretty flowers for the prettiest flower."

They stood there surrounding Jimin; Jimin with a cake in hand and a single candle that adorned it.

Namjoon started "To our world, our life. Because of you, we were able to see beyond what life meant to us, and because of you we've learnt to love each other and learned to love ourselves more than we could have."

Hobi continued, " When things get tough, we will always remind ourselves why we're doing what we do. And you help us remind ourselves that there will always be a positive way out."

"We're going to keep your promise for the rest of our lives." Taehyung speaks.


"We promise to continue to always make people feel as happy and loved as we made you. And I hope we made you really happy and loved; because we sure felt so loved by you." Jungkook smiled and concluded.

"Happy Birthday Hana."

They all wished her, and as if she heard, the wind picked up and blew out the candle. Jimin couldn't help but smile as a beautiful blue butterfly flew into their line of sight, all the members eyes followed and never left it as it flew around and behind them.

They all gasped at the sight to behold.

The once empty grass field was now filled with beautifully bloomed white flowers. Like a once in a lifetime miracle, They gazed in awe. The petals fluttered in the air with the wind.


Everyone's ears tickled, as if the wind was playing tricks on them.

"I love you."

As if it was the last whisper of her voice; Tears ran down their cheeks, completely unknown to them.

But  the wind suddenly picked up harshly, they braced themselves and covered their eyes from the fluttering leaves and flowers only for it to settle, the Sun rays shining down far off in the field, they all uncovered their eyes and their breaths hitched.

Hana stood in the middle of the field, playing in the flowers in her yellow dress happily laughing and smiling widely before waving at them for the final time.

"Thank you for giving me a life worth living for."

And with a single blink, she was gone.

The field was back to its grassy state, the flowing petals and endless flowers now just a memory engraved into their mind.

"Did you guys just—"
"Did you see—"
"No way—"

Taehyung blinked and rubbed his eyes in disbelief, in fact all the members did but one.

Jin could only smile widely, his heart felt full and warm as his eyes never left the spot she stood.

"Hey boys! Lunch is ready!"

A familiar voice broke them from their thoughts as they turned to its direction.

Sejin, Sena, Jaehyun and Hyunwoo waved and waited for them to come. They had packed a picnic for this special day.

"Come on, let's not keep them waiting." Jin smiled behind to the group.

"Hey Jimin, watch where you're walking. Make sure you don't drop the cake—"

"JIMIN!" Yoongi shouted.

And just like that, Jimin tripped, flinging the cake in the air and attempting to catch the cake with their bare hands, Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin collided as the cake splattered all on their arms and coats.

"I swear to fuc—" Yoongi started.

"Yoongi!" They all shouted, erupting into laughter. The maknae's started swearing cake on everyone or stuffing it each other mouths causing chaos.

Everything was peaceful again, and for some reason they all felt warmer and fuzzier inside as the day went on, spending it with both old and new friends.

And it was all thanks to Hana.

She looked up at the sky smiling widely, she got up from the floor, dusting off the dirt from her dress.

She took one last look at the blooming flower field and tree before turning and leaving. A big smile on her face.

"Goodbye everyone"

"Goodbye everyone"

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A/N: Remember I still have the alternate ending book coming up!  Please look forward to it.

I love you, and thank you again.

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