Chapter 4

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Present day

Hana was in shock. Her face was frozen and her eyes were wide the minute things got clearer. Surrounding her room were purple balloon hearts and a pile of gifts in the corner, but how could she miss the seven gorgeous men in her room surrounding her. Her heart meter was getting faster and Namjoon's eyes were in a panic as he made eye contact with Hobi closest to the door to get him to get the nurse.

Why were they here she didn't understand. Until it finally clicked in her brain that it was her wish. But why were they here now, she only had one day with them and it was meant to be planned.

Sena quietly came in then, breaking Hana out of her trance. The room was awkwardly quiet with Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook sitting on her couch while Namjoon Hobi Jin and Taehyung were by her bed and they were all staring at her. Sena started taking Hana vitals as her usual procedure before having enough. She cleared her throat to break the silence before saying, " don't you boys have something to say to her?" She smiles cheekily at all of them before they snapped out of it.

"Oh uh, right. Hello we're BTS" Namjoon does the standard BTS Introduction Hana has seen countless of times on the screen. She couldn't help but feel her ears turn hot and blush. She was not expecting this and she sure as hell was not dressed for this moment. She knew she was still recovering from her surgery and she still felt weak and could barely move. She was a little upset because she had so many plans for them but in her state she would not be able to.

Seeing her silence after their introduction and seeing her face fall, Bangtan started to get worried. They've waited all this time to make this girl happy but it wasn't going to be so easy.

"Pretty Hana, these are for you" Hobi saves the day with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and his sunshine smile. Hana couldn't help but look up at him from her miserable thoughts just to see him be himself. And with that she too cracked a smile, she couldn't resist. Jungkook sucked in a breath at this, he had never seen such a beautiful smile on someone before. And while Tae thought similarly his heart was thudding fast in his chest, that this girl could smile so happily even after all she's been through as if all the weight on their shoulders had been lifted.
Since her smile the room felt lighter and brighter if it were possible.

Nurse Sena observed the boys and couldn't help but have a knowing look. She quickly pat Hanas hair before letting herself out. " I'll leave you all to it then" the boys get up and bow respectfully towards Sena before sitting back down. Even Hobi was thoroughly affected by the girls smile and it confirmed he wanted to protect it.

"I can't believe you're all here" Hana finally spoke. Her voice was sweet and felt like honey to their ears, she was soft spoken. "We sure are Hana" Jimin smiles at her and makes his way towards the bed.

"Oh uhm would you all like to sit closer? I can move a little, here-" before she could shimmy herself to one side of the bed to allow the others more space, a hand interrupted her on her shoulder.

"No no, it's okay Hana. Please rest in bed, we are completely fine." Jin smiles gently at me and pats my head softly. I wasn't a child but I guess Jin was older than I am so it didn't feel too odd with his action, it was somehow comforting.

"O-oh okay" Hana's ears were burning again, blush evident on her cheeks. She didn't think she'd be so flustered. Tae found this extremely cute, it was like she was a little puppy in his eyes which made him think of Yeontan. Maybe she can meet him one day, he thought. "I'm sorry, I actually had plans and activities to do with you for when you came but, I'm not exactly.. able to do most of them in my current state" Hana then looked around at everyone with apologetic eyes which took the boys by surprise.

"Hana we actually have a surprise for you" Namjoon said by my side smiling seeing his cute dimples evident on his face.
"Lots of surprises in fact" Jimin let out a giggle and the rest started smiling, even Yoongi which sat quietly at the corner but eyes never left her.
"Well let's get started on them shall we?" Hobi excitedly says as he heads to the corner of the room where bundles of wrapped up boxes and bags resided. Jungkook goes to help his hyung with carrying them towards the bed.

"What's all of this..?" She looks at everyone and back at the presents that are slowly being handed to her, Tae and Namjoon helping her carry them so to not put any weight on her body when she carried them. She noticed this and couldn't help but smile at such a thoughtful gesture. She never expected gifts from them and especially not so many.
"This is a little late to ask but I'm guessing you already know all our names?" Namjoon asks shyly and I nod, my confidence and comfort around them was incredible. I felt incredible just being around them.

"Yes, you're Namjoon, here is Jin, Tae, Hobi- Ah!" She covered her mouth quick just realizing the lack of respectfulness of age. "I'm sorry I didn't use honorifics. I'm so sorry" she was so used to their nicknames because it was what she would watch on her computer. Hobi and Tae started smiling so wide and they all started laughing while I was feeling flushed again.

"Hana, don't be sorry silly. You can call us whatever you'd like plus Im pretty sure Tae and Hobi love being called that by you" Namjoon pat my head once as I turn to him feeling relieved no one was insulted.

"But you have to call me Oppa" Jin winked at me causing Jungkook to stand up.

"Yah! Pervert you sit here I'm taking your seat" he makes his way over to Jin while everyone including myself start laughing until I scrunch my face up in pain on my side from doing so causing everyone to shut up and rush by my side.

"Hana omg ! I'm so sorry, don't laugh I'm sorry I forgot it must hurt so much" Jungkook and Jin start apologizing profusely as Namjoon puts a comforting hand on my back.

"Do you want me to get the nurse again ?" Hobi asks in concern before Hana puts her hand up to stop him.

"No, no it's okay. I'm okay, it's just a little sore that's all." She slowly lays back on her pillows again attempting to relax. Everyone in the room let out a breath. She didn't want to be so fragile right now and it was evident in their expressions she was worrying them. But this was her only day with them she wanted to live it to the fullest.

"So.. all these presents for me?" She cheekily asks and grin to lighten the mood and a few of them smile with adoration.

"Everything" Hobi responds with fondness.

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