Chapter 59

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"Hyung, I think there's something going on with Hana." Jimin whispered to Namjoon.

Namjoon looked up to see the girl happily giggling and smiling with Taehyung. He couldn't see anything wrong.

They were back at the Hanbok boutique, doing their outfit checks.

"She seems fine to me Jimin." Namjoon observes the girl, her cheeks flushed, her plush lips curled up in a smile.

"Hyung, she's been coughing a lot. I've caught her a few times and she tries to hide it. I'm not making this up."

This caught Yoongi's attention. Hana wouldn't hide something like that, and Namjoon thought about it too. Soon enough she did try to look away and duck under the blanket that tightly wrapped around her as they saw her shake, probably coughing as quietly as she could.

Yoongi and Namjoon's face fell.

"I think we should tell Sena noona." Jimin spoke about to make his way to her before Yoongi caught his wrist.

"We need to talk to Hana first." Yoongi voiced.

"But if she's hiding it, it's probably something bad right?" Jimin asked with worry in his eyes. Why was his hyung stopping him.

"If she's hiding it, there's probably a good reason." Yoongi reasoned, "Hana would never hide something from us if it weren't for a good reason."

Jimin nodded his head reluctantly, thinking over his words.

"Let Yoongi hyung handle this okay Jimin." Namjoon looked up at the younger.

Jimin sighed before nodding again in agreement. He still felt like they should tell her nurse but he couldn't go against his hyung's.

All he could do was just watch over her, his heart broke every time she hid away to cough before forcing a smile on her face. He saw through her lies, she saw she was hurting but why did he lie to him that she was okay?

Jungkook caught on when she started to cough gently into the blanket while Sena was distracted with something when she slept on his lap. For some reason she knew Jungkook wouldn't say anything while Sena was around because it was obvious Hana was trying to hide it from her nurse.

That's why he offered for Sena to step out for a while to enjoy the faire, he needed time alone with her. To his luck, she did take his offer.

He held her tightly to him as the coughs kept wracking her body, he bit his lip to distract himself until he broke. He finally confronted her but she told him not to tell her nurse and he wanted to believe she was okay.

But he shouldn't have.

They all shouldn't have.

They shouldn't have been quick to agree with her to let it slide.

They shouldn't have helped her get away with it when Sena asked.

They should have just told Sena from the start.

Otherwise all of them wouldn't have to suffer like this.

"Yes Dr Antonov." Jaehyun answered his phone.

He had been working in the lab for god knows how long, he felt he was so close to the cure as he worked back and forth with the Russians and other doctors from around the world. They were all so close to finding the cure to this vicious disease.

The vaccination was in three parts. The first two being confirmed, while the third still had a long way to go. Through their research, they needed the third vaccine to set everything, to calm the body and to tell the brain that it wasn't their enemy.

"That's brilliant Dr! Thank you!" Jaehyun happily hung up and started his lab work again. The doctor from Russia found a breakthrough with the third vaccination, it was working on one of his patients but it was still in its earliest stages, but it was a breakthrough regardless.

"We're so close Hana."

'I need to talk to her'

Yoongi told himself in his head as he observed her from across the room. He had been observing her for a while, contemplating and questioning himself in his head.

'Why was she doing this.'

He got up to finally confront her in the green room, all eyes were on them as he listened to her reasoning.

'Her dream..' he thought.

He didn't have it in his heart to crush her dreams, but he also couldn't handle the fact that something was very wrong. He didn't know what to do but the minute he met her eyes, that familiar twinkle in them. He succumbed to it.

"We're heading straight back to the hospital after the minute the fireworks are over okay." He sternly said

She nodded promising him.

Since then even before they got on the stage seeing her being wheeled out, he couldn't help but contemplate whether it was the right choice. But he had made it, and he had to do his best on stage for her.

However the minute he saw Sena look up at them, fear written on her face he knew he fucked up.

Nothing mattered anymore than that moment, he was the first to run off the stage, but luckily the audience didn't notice due to the distraction of the fireworks.

All he thought was her, all he wanted to reach out was her and he wasn't the only one, all his brothers rushed after her, each of them breaking down around him.

The weight of reality was laying full force on their shoulders. The fantasy they experienced together with her was shattering right in front of them. Each of their hearts, mind, and body cried for her.

Nothing could replace her.

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