FINALE | Chapter 70

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He could hear someone crying for him.


Someone desperately crying for him.

"Jin please wake up!"

His eyes opened in a flash, intaking a deep breath his lungs much needed. His eyesight was blurry and he could barely hear anything. The light above him blinded him, a person hovered above him but he couldn't make out the shadow.

Everything was too overwhelming, he could feel drops of water on his face.

Rain? No..


"Who are you?" He asked.

"It's me Jin. It's Hana."

His eyes tried to focus on her but the light above them was too bright. He could still feel the water droplets on his face, he felt weak and tired.

I must be dreaming.

"Jin, you're not supposed to be here." She sobbed. "Why are you here!"

Please don't cry Hana.

"Jin, please speak to me." She begged. "You need to go back."

Go back where?

"Jin please. You can't be here." She kept begging him. "Please go back!"

Where do I need to go back to?

"They need you Jin!" She was uncontrollably sobbing now. All he wanted to do was reach out to her and hug her and tell her he missed her. Tell her it was okay, that he was okay, that she didn't need to cry. But he couldn't, he couldn't move. Why couldn't he move?

But who were 'they?'

"Jin you need to save them! They need you." Her voice was cracking with every word.

"I'm alright Jin." She sniffed. "I'm okay here; but you need to go back."

I don't understand, you're right here. Who were these other people that needed saving from?

"Jin, time ended for me, but it hasn't ended for you. They're waiting." He could hear the courage in her voice, the small smile through her tears; yet he couldn't see her still.

But I miss you. I don't want to leave.

"It's okay, I'm alright now." She spoke with resolve. "I miss you Jin. I miss all of you. Now you have to go back." He felt her hand cover his eyes, the blinding light was fading.

"Hana don't go" He finally managed to say.

He could hear her breath hitch at the sound of his voice. His eyesight was finally starting to clear as he felt her hand lift from his eyes.

He finally saw her beautiful face, the one he missed more than anything.

She smiled down at him, her hair framing her face and blocking out the sunlight that shone down before them.

"I love you Jin."

"I love all of you."

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