Chapter 54

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Hana stirred in her sleep, the sun was shining into her eyes, she felt warm and could hear a soft rumble in her ear as someone spoke.

"Yeah, I'll be taking a day off today."


"Mhm. Don't worry I won't forget about tomorrow."

She opened her eyes, letting it adjust as she sees a boy right above her, phone pressed to his ear as he stroked her hair. He looked down once he noticed she was awake, he had a gentle smile on his face.

"Alright, see you Hyung."

And with that he ended the call, tucking it away before kissing the top of her head.

"Did I wake you?" He whispered in his low voice, she nodded quietly, cuddling closer into him. She could feel his chest rumble with his low chuckle, his arm wrapped around her waist tightly holding her while the other continued to play with her hair.

"Sorry, I just needed to let Sejin hyung know where I am." He stroked her hair away from her face. "I have a free day today, did you want to do something?" He observed her features, her eyes still shut from sleepiness, a smile made its way onto his face. "Or would you like to just sleep in all day." He chuckled.

She shook her head and nuzzled her face closer into the nape of his neck, he couldn't help but smile even wider and laugh.

"Stop being cute or I'll have to kiss you again." He threatened.

She looked up at him, an eyebrow cocked. "That's the best threat I've ever gotten."

"Come here you!" He lunged at her and peppered her with multiple kisses all over her face, She laughed and tried to wiggle away from his grasp but to no avail, he kept his arms wrapped around her firmly.

"Okay okay!" She giggled, tapping him in surrender. He hovered above her, a beautiful smile plastered on his lips.

"Give up already?" He teased, his raspy voice made her flustered each time he spoke. It was so attractive, it was hard to think straight.

Her breath hitched, now realizing what kind of position they were in again, his face hovered above hers, his bangs tickling her forehead. He gazed down at her, his eyes roamed her face as if memorizing every inch of her features. Her cheeks were starting to feel warm, for sure he could see the blush creeping up but before he could say anything she abruptly got up, accidentally knocking their foreheads together.


They both rubbed their foreheads before bursting into laughter.

"I swear you did that on purpose." He chuckled before pulling her in and placing  a soft kiss on her forehead. "Just so you could get me to do that." He teased.

Was this the same Yoongi? Since when was he such a suave tease. Her face was undeniably a tomato now, unsure how to reply him.

*knock knock*

"Hana, you have more visitors." Sena called out.

The door opened to reveal not one but all the other members.

"Good morningg!!" Hobi greeted happily.

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