Chapter 28

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Since Jimin had a free day he thought he could take Hana to someplace special. The sun was shining and it was still nice and cool out for a light sweater so it wasn't blazing hot. It was getting close to summer however.

"Are you sure it's safe for me to go out?" Hana worriedly fumbled her fingers, she had never explored much so she was nervous. Though, she was in the best condition she could ever be to step out of the hospital. Dr Jaehyun and Sena agreed she was allowed to have a nice day out, it would be a waste to stay cooped up in the hospital on such a beautiful day.

"Don't worry Hana, I will never let anything bad happen to you while you're with me." Jimin squatted in front of her and held her hands, gleaming up at her. He had his large black frames with yellow tinted lenses. Hana had seen him wear multiple times before, wearing a black turtle neck and a leather jacket, she felt he was over dressed for the temperature but in all honesty, Hana was glad he managed to convince her to wear her denim jacket Hobi had bought for her since it turned out to be a little chillier than she thought once the wind ruffled them up. Her outfit was picked out by Jimin, simple but pretty.

"Alright, ready to head out?" He stood up and held his hand out for her to take. She looked up at him apprehensively, breathing in a deep breath she mustered all her courage and took his hand. He smiled widely in response, finally happy to give Hana a taste of the world out there.

"Let me know if you need to sit down somewhere okay? I don't want you to be tired. We have your wheelchair in the car if you need it alright?" He fussed over her as they strolled by the Han river. His black mask and glasses covered his face, a black cap making sure to cover his bleached hair. Jimin had to be careful to not get noticed. He knew it wasn't safe for Hana to just walk with him but he really wanted her to experience this.

"I'm fine Jimin, don't worry. In fact this is quite peaceful. Maybe I should ask Sena to walk with me sometimes since I'm tired of our park." She looked around at the scenery, it wasn't too busy, just an occasional person jogging or walking their dog. She smiled, taking in the sunlight.

Jimin loved looking at Hana, she was like a newly bloomed flower. So vibrant, so beautiful and so delicate, much like her name that literally translated to Flower in Japanese. 

"Are you hungry?" He asked smelling an all too nostalgic scent to him. She perked up and eyed him.

Cheekily grinning, "looks like you're the hungry one." She giggled, " but I could eat. What did you have in mind?"

"There." He pointed at a simple convenience store. He cheekily grinned at her confused face.

"Isn't that a convenience store?" She questioned, confused as to why he was so excited.

"Let's go!" He grabbed her hand and headed towards the store, there was no one around but the cashier, perfect. "We used to always eat at our local convenience store when we were trainees. " he spoke while he grabbed multiple items already knowing what he needed with purpose. "Are you able to take spicy food?" He turned to her, a surprised expression still on her face as she just nodded. "Alright good! Ahh Sena noona will probably murder me for feeding you this." He shook his head paying for the items.

"Alright wait here. I'll make it for you." He winked at her once he sat her down at a bench just outside the the convenience store.

"Okay." She replied, amused by Jimin's actions. He quickly ran back to the store to prepare their meals. She was still wondering what they were going to have.
Closing her eyes she enjoyed the breeze, the smell of freshly bloomed buds and flowers, welcoming the upcoming summer heat. She could finally experience a part of one of the seasons, smiling widely.

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