Chapter 24

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Confused he looked around then back to the nurses counter. Why was no one here?  "Uh, is Sena Noona around?" He asked a nurse he didn't recognize at the desk.

"She has a day off today. Is there anything you need sir?" She replied kindly smiling up at the masked boy.

"Oh uhm, I'm looking for Hana, Park Hana." He replied adjusting his mask. "I realized she's not in her room?" Where could she be?

"Oh Miss Park is on the other annex, please just head straight and turn left through double doors then head to floor 3" she directed to him. Bowing in thanks, Suga headed towards the said directions.

"Alright through these double doors." He muttered to himself before pushing them open. This annex was quieter than the other. The halls were nearly empty unlike the ones that bustled with nurses, doctors and patients. He went towards the elevator seeing that one was out of service but waited for the other. It was taking too long so he decided to just take the stairs, climbing the floors he stopped hearing a song all too familiar.

He followed the music as it lead him to where he needed to go, standing in front of the door he paused as he didn't know why he was feeling nervous, his heart was beating in his ears. Softly clicking the door open so he wouldn't be noticed, he saw her familiar back, her fingers glided the piano with no sheet music in sight. He was amazed, How was she playing so effortlessly by memory? He took quiet steps towards her til he was suddenly behind her. Feeling a presence near her she concluded the song.

"Sena, it sounds much better now I think I figured it ou-" her sentence was cut short when she realized the person was not Sena. "Y-Yoongi?!" She was shocked, she nearly fell off her seat before quickly catching herself, slapping her hand carelessly on the piano to hold herself up.

He chuckled, "Be careful. Sorry I snuck up on ya." He showed his usual gummy smile and scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Surprise?"

As realization dawned on her ,"I can't believe you heard that trash, ommo, I didn't do your song justice, I'm so sorry!" She bowed as the boy chuckled again before patting her head.

"Don't worry Hana, I thought it was played perfect. How long have you been playing the piano for?" He asked. She got him to sit next to her so he didn't have to stand.

"Uhm, it's been on and off for years but probably since I was 12?" She pondered for a moment. "I got bored one day and stumbled upon this music room when I wandered the hospital. There used to be this kind Oppa who used to come and play all the time." She smiled sadly to herself. "I actually learnt to play because of him, I was a persistent little brat you could say." She giggled at the memory. Suga watched as her expressions changed and morphed as she told the story. She was expressive and sweet but he couldn't help but notice when she liked something, a small twinkle would appear in her eyes.

"Does he still come and play?" Yoongi asked curiously as he scanned the room, it was slightly abandoned and old fashioned.

"You don't have to keep standing there, come in." He smiled kindly towards her. She stepped into the room nervously holding her favorite hippo stuff toy.

"Oppa, you play pretty." She softly spoke.
He chuckled in response as he tapped the seat next to him.

"Would you like me to teach you?" He smiled sweetly at the girl, like sunshine on a cloudy day. She nodded immediately and took a seat next to him as he started playing twinkle twinkle little star. "Want me to teach you how to play that?" He observed the girls face turning into a frown confusing him.

"No I want to play the one Oppa played earlier!" She jumped in her seat pouting.

"But little hippo, that one's too difficult to start with!" He replied. She turned to look at him surprised.

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