Chapter 30

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Bangtan was busy again for the following weeks, Summer was rolling in quick and Hana had been busy herself, she played the piano and learnt more songs so when Yoongi returned she could possibly play more for him. She was always advised to stay indoors during the change of season, it was always a dangerous time for her because of the sudden shift of temperatures. It's where flu season comes about and she's never one to ever want to catch it.

Unfortunately due to her auto immune condition, having a flu is no different from having to have go through something ten times worse. The flu just wouldn't go away and would result in her having even worse complications.

Sighing to herself, she tried to remember the chords to the song, 'The truth untold' in her head. She couldn't wait for it to be released. Feeling for the keys as she hummed the song, she managed to find the chords and smiled happily to herself. She would continue to sing and play the piano all day for a few days straight. The piano and her voice would sweep through the entire annex, sometimes patients and staff would crowd around the door just to take a peek at her or listen closer but Sena wouldn't let anyone in the room to disturb the girl. Hana was a shy girl and once she knew eyes were on her she'd stop.

Packing up she went to her room, for the last few weeks all she's ever thought of was BTS, everyday she couldn't wait to see them again and she'd catch herself smiling out of know where just from the thought of each member. She was happy she'd grown close to the three maknaes and Yoongi, but she still hadn't spent much time with the others.

"Hana dear." Sena called from the Nurses counter as she passed along the way back to her room.

"Yes?" She smiled at her favorite nurse.

"It seems someone named Hoseok tried calling you earlier but you never picked up."

Hana tried to feel up all her pockets to realize she had indeed left her phone in her room.

"Don't worry dear, He just said that he'd be stopping by soon." She chuckled and the girls eyes went wide.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner!" Hana looked down at her colorful matching Pokémon pajamas, before rushing to her room to get changed.

"Hana?" A voice was heard as she was just about to burst her bedroom door open, she paused and turned to the direction of the voice.

"H-hi Hobi." She embarrassingly chuckled and started sliding into her room slowly. "Uh I'll just be a minute!" She shouted before slamming the door shut, leaving a dumbfounded Hobi in the hallway.

Coming out after a minute as promised, she had a more decent outfit of sweats on and not little Pokémon creatures plastered all over her pajamas.

"You know, I kind of preferred your other outfit." Hobi grinned at her saying honestly and chuckled. Her cheeks were burning but she opened the door to her bedroom to let him in, she noticed he was holding something in his arms.

"A plant?" She asked and pointed at it.

"Yeah! Here." He handed the cute pale pink pot to Hana and she took it wondering why he wanted to give her a plant. Placing it by her window she realized it gave the room some life.

"Hobi, I got to warn you. I don't think I'm very good at keeping plants." She laughed nervously and looked at him as he walked around the room looking at her different shelves.

"Oh don't worry Hana, Jin has a similar one in his room and he always forgets to water it but it somehow stays alive and healthy." He chuckled. "There's something special about that plant, it actually blooms white flowers every once in a while, similar to a lily."

"Wait. Is this that same plant you have in your music videos of yours?" She asked raising an eyebrow, "that smer— smerooldo? No that's not right.." she wracked her brain and paced around for a bit. "Ah the Smeraldo flower!" She beamed when she figured it out.

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