Chapter 21

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"You guys go ahead, I just need to ask Sejin hyung a few things first." Yoongi called out to the boys and Hana as they made their way to their break room. Yoongi then looked for his manager only to find the hallway empty. He cocked his head confused because he swore he saw him together with Sena alone the hallway not too long ago.

Walking down, he stumbled upon voices near one of the other dance rooms. He recognized it immediately being Sejin's. As he was about to enter he paused hearing something he probably shouldn't have yet he pressed his ear against the door.

"I do not want the boys too attached to her, at least, they need to understand the consequences of doing so." Sejin sighed in defeat.

"Manager Sejin, I fully understand and I will have to go through a similar heartbreak for when the time comes but I believe it is up to the boys to decide. They are all adults and should take responsibility for their own actions." Sena argued back.

"But you need to know Miss Sena, that the boys have a career to uphold and something like this will definitely affect them regardless." He was stern but she couldn't help but retaliate.

"The boys know what they're doing. And they definitely should be given the choice if they want to stay by her side or not." Sena was now losing her patience, she couldn't believe how controlling their company was over the boys.

"Miss Sena; please do not misunderstand. We are only looking out for them.. When will she-" 

"Winter." She quickly said. "She was informed til the following year but her doctor informed us to be ready by winter." Her voice cracked towards the end. She quickly wiped a tear from her face before composing herself breathing in heavily turning to the man. "I believe that will be all today Manager Sejin, I must get back to the girl right now." She bowed respectfully leaving the man in silence.

By this point Yoongi felt like he couldn't breathe, he quickly hid against the wall around the corner from being caught. His mind was racing.

She doesn't even have a year to live

His mind was racing and he slid down the wall, completely forgetting what he needed to ask his manager. Yoongi didn't know whether he should tell his members, whether they were ready to take in the information. They all knew what was going to happen to the girl but they didn't think it was going to be so soon. Before he could crash on himself he quickly got up and plastered his usual nonchalant expression and walked back to the break room.

No one needed to know yet.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter !

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