Chapter 22

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"Sorry Hana, I didn't realize you were on a strict diet." Jin frowned at the girls food as they ate jajangmyeon in front of her as she ate the sad bland food that was packed for her.

"Oh no no, don't worry. You guys have spoilt me immensely already. Plus Sena didn't make a fuss all those times which I was surprised." She started munching away at her food, though the smell of the black bean noodle enticed her, she knew it could be her next reward for holding it together; however for now, she needed to keep her health up to scratch to be able to hang out with the boys like this more often.

Suddenly the door opened and in came Suga. Jungkook seemed to see something off with his hyung but decided not to ask right now.

"Ah! Yoongi oppa, I saved you a seat" the girl smiled up at him sweetly while she patted the seat next to her. He met her eyes for a brief moment, she could suddenly see a flash of emotion behind them before they flickered back to his usual expression. He nodded silently and made his way to his seat.

"What did you need to ask Sejin hyung?" Namjoon asked while he stuffed his face with pickles.

"Ah, I didn't end up finding him. He probably disappeared to do something." Suga lied easily before quickly digging into his meal. No one caught on but Jungkook, the maknae really felt he was hiding something.

"You're just having that Hana?" Suga looked at the girl quietly eating her small meal. She nodded before putting her chopsticks down.

"I'm trying to stay healthy!" She managed to speak with her hand covering her mouth as she was chewing. He smiled at this but returned to his noodles again immediately.

That night they enjoyed each others company, and Hana couldn't wait to go on many more adventures with them, but Yoongi was more quiet than usual. No one stayed over this time with her at the hospital but Jin volunteered to send the girl home while the rest packed up in a van to head back to their flat.

"Are you sure Jin Oppa? You don't have to bring me home, Sena is already heading home with Manager Sejin, I can just join them" she motioned to the car before Jin insisted.

"Hana ya, let me send you home. I've not spent much time with you so just this once?" He pleaded and motioned her to the open door of the passenger seat of his car.

She sighed in defeat. "Okay, thank you" she smiled entering the vehicle. He shut the door for her and headed to the drivers seat.

Once they pulled out of the driveway heading back towards the hospital, Jin tried to make small conversation.

"You know Hana, it's really nice having you around. All of us really enjoy your company, seeing your reactions makes us want to work harder." He glanced at her to see her reaction which she just smiled ahead.

"I feel the same with you guys." She paused a little before continuing "you know, I maybe your fan but since getting to know you guys I actually feel like your friend. I'm not just some outsider, and I'm really thankful for that." She looked up at him.

"And you probably realize we feel the same. In fact it was surprising to us, we never had anyone enter our lives since we were always too focused on our careers." He was just a block away from the hospital now, the company wasn't too far. "But were really glad that we met you." He smiled to himself as he focused on the road.

Hana enjoyed the car ride, it was quiet and intimate in a way but it felt like she could have an honest heartfelt conversation. With sad eyes and a heavy heart, she still continued to smile ahead.

"I'll miss you guys..."

She thought she had said it quiet enough for Jin not to hear, but he could barely make it out. Once he heard it his heart clenched but before he could say anything, they were at the drop off point of the hospital, Sena was waiting with the wheelchair for Hana.

"Thank you again for tonight, and thank Jimin for me for inviting me." She bowed to the boy, eyes gleaming smiling sweetly.

He returned a smile back but it didn't reach his eyes. "Have a goodnight Hana, I'll see you soon." He did a small wave as she headed out the door. He could see her wave at him as he drove off.

He didn't realize how hard he was gripping the wheel til he left.

Back in the dorm, Jungkook knocked on Suga's door. "Hyung?" He called. With no answer he tried again, "hyung, I need to talk to you about something please." The maknae tried again politely, but to no avail Suga didn't answer. "I guess he went to sleep..." Jungkook thought before heading back to his room.

Suga was laying on his bed, an arm flopped over his eyes shielding it from the faint moonlight shining through his window. He had to ignore the maknae, he couldn't really face anyone right now, he couldn't get what Sena said out of his mind.

Less than a year

Was this the right choice? Should we continue to be near her? We can't just stop talking to her right? Does she know herself?

He had too many questions running through his mind. He gripped the pillow he was laying on and shouted into it out of frustration, followed by laying in a fetal position. He couldn't handle the thought of her dying so soon; and there was nothing he could do to change the inevitable.

But we can't do that to Hana.

We made a promise.

He thought. In the first place they all had come to an agreement to spend more time with her and be her friend even when they had a chance to just see her for a day and forget about her. Plus they already knew what Wish Upon a Star foundation meant. It meant the patients had a terminal illness that couldn't be cured. However they all had made their decision about this long before and it shouldn't matter if they knew when she was going to pass. He had already made a promise and he was going to fulfill it till the very end.

He managed to pull himself up, sitting at the edge of the bed, looking out his window at the moonlight.

As a member of Bangtan, we have to see this through

He lifted his hand in the air towards the full moon, a pinkie promise.

With a strong resolve he nodded once to himself before he got up and made his way to his desk, opening a notebook, pen in hand, he began writing lyrics for the rest of the night til the break of dawn.

(A/N: yeah idk who is my bias hahahahaha)

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